[IMC-US] introduction; evan aka rabble

evan evan at protest.net
Fri Jun 27 14:20:11 CDT 2003

Hey, i'm evan, or rabble, depending on the context. I've been working 
with indymedia since november '99 mostly doing tech work, but also 
organizing media centers, some coverage, and doing lots of workshops 
about indymedia. Specific projects i'm working on right now is helping 
with the tech solidarity project to recycle computers and ship them to 
indymedia centers in the third world, and i'm active in www-features 
which publishes the features for www.indymedia.org.

I'm not in the US however, i'm living in uruguay and working with the 
imc here. But i'm interested in the evolution of a possible US 
indymedia website and the future of the 'network' or 'global' site at 
www.indymedia.org. It's also fun to keep tab's on what's happening with 
indymedia in 'the old country.' :)

in solidarity,

| blog: anarchogeek.com                pgp: anarchogeek.com/pgp.txt |
| "All resistances, in the history of humanity, have appeared       |
|  ineffective, not just on the eve, but also well into the night   |
|  of the attack."                          -- Subcomandante Marcos |

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