[IMC-US] indymedia and google

bht bht at indymedia.org
Wed Jul 21 17:25:59 CDT 2004

hey all, i have been reading the discussion over google and listened to it
at the allied media conference.  I would like to say a few words about it.

I am not against people trying to get google to list indymedia articles, I
actually think it would be great to get them up there, it would be great
outreach and advertisement, and make all of us work a little harder
moderating the sites :-)

However, this discussion is turning into "how can we not be indymedia for
google yet still be indymedia enough for indymedia"...and i dont really
like it.

Having said that getting google listing is great, I would also like to
think that sticking to what indymedia is is also important, it this
respect it is more imnportant to stay indymedia instead of pandering to
the interests of larger entities to get exposure.

THere is a gap of whether we are tactical and whther we are alternatives
to corporate media.  I like to think that we are tactical and offer a
community support role and should stick to our communities.  If we do
enough outreach there the people that need to read our sites will and it
wont be cluttered with all these people that dont have the interests of
our communities at heart.

Therefore, I think it would better to stick to being indymedia and not try
to change /enough/ to be accepted by google.  I know that it is some
peoples heartsong for this and I guess that there isnt much I can do to
change that.

This is the us site that is supposed to represent us imcs and reflect the
indymedia tactic.  So, personally, it would make me happy if we could talk
about how to get indymedia us finished int ime for these larger events
that are taking place NOW.  Or we can deliberate about this for a couple
of months.


> Maybe if the site directed people to another site set up just for open
> publishing with a
> different root address that would be enough distance to make google happy.
> us.indmedia.org linked to us.openpublishing.org or something.
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