[IMC-US] Commentary on a feature

deva drdartist at riseup.net
Sat Nov 6 04:08:27 CST 2004

My opinion belongs where I choose to express it. I don't like your 
attempt to shut me up.

I said nothing about not allowing the feature. I gave my opinion of it 
because this is an important subject, and because some of the ideas 
contained in this are already being propagated as the truth by the 
entrenched left. I wanted to stand on record that I think the feature 
is misleading and dangerous. (and because I have not been able to get 
to the nyc site for the past 16 hours)

The feature says "While it is important for this country to make sure 
that Karl Rove and other mastermind strategists did not pre-engineer 
this election,"

Of course they stole this election. An 82% democratic florida county 
votes 60% republican? Of course not. That is by no means the exception.

And the only criticism of Kerry is on strategy as if he actually wanted 
to do something for progressives. The democratic leadership took 
progressives for a ride. The whole business is a sham. A rigged game, 
but already the massive PR campaign is preparing progressives, like 
Charlie Brown, to run up and try to kick the football, and again the 
football will be pulled away, and again to land on the ass.

Many months ago, around the time Iraq really started to turn sour, and 
Abu graib etc, there had started to be murmurings of Bush making some 
move to get out of Iraq. Then Kerry jumped up and announced that the 
war in Iraq was the right thing, that Bush had made the right choice 
and that knowing what we know now, that it was all lies, he too would 
have done the same thing. That was the end of such murmurings.

Kerry validated the bullshit 'war on terrorism' when it is glaringly 
obvious that Bush knowingly let 911 happen. 50% of New yorkers believe 
so in the Zogby poll released during the rnc. Kerry validated the Iraq 
war and the Bush agenda of Imperialist conquest.

Kerry also led people to believe that he would guard against voter 
fraud with all their 11,000 lawyers, but the Democrats did nothing to 
get the voters illegally taken off the rolls in Florida 2000 back on. 
Now when it happens, he immediately concedes, leaving everyone who had 
counted on all those lawyers and promises of protecting every vote, 
left high and dry.

One person, Bev Harris, has done more by herself, than the entire 
democratic kerry campaign and all its many millions of dollars to fight 
the republican control of voter machines. Why the hell is that?

The truth of who Kerry and the Democratic leaderships friends are is so 
clearly visible when one examines the massive efforts made to discredit 
and destroy Nader, and block him from ballot access, while at the same 
time changing laws in 9 states to HELP Bush get on the ballot.

Kerry is a blood brother of Bush through Skull and Bones. Now Kerry, 
having done his job of getting the anti-war movement to stop organizing 
against the war, and to organize for a pro-war candidate, is going to 
fade into oblivion.


btw, I have been saying this for months, including the rather obvious 

The single most important step anyone can take, is to stop watching and 
reading commercial, corporate media.

On Nov 5, 2004, at 12:47 PM, Ana Nogueira wrote:

> I disagree. There is more to this story than just bush stole the 
> election.
> And I think it is interesting to discuss it. I think your opinion 
> belongs as
> a comment to the feature, not as an editorial judgement on what gets
> promoted. And There are links in the feature that point to kerry's bs.
> the feature has generated over 75 comments and an interesting debate. 
> If we
> are not going to "allow" diverse features and discussions on this 
> site, then
> I don’t really want to participate in it.
> On 11/5/04 3:11 PM, "deva" <drdartist at riseup.net> wrote:
>> On the US site is a feature "Who Is The Other Half?"
>> I think this is poor analysis of the situation and plays into the same
>> mindsets that are propagated by corporate media.
>> First, the election was stolen. That should be the primary story, not
>> some typically leftist handwringing soul searching self doubt piece.
>> How about some solidarity for all the people of color who had their
>> votes stolen?
>> The republicans did it in 2000, anyone with any sense knew they were
>> gonna do it in 2004 (kudos to Blackboxvoting.org and Bev Harris!) and
>> the Democrats did basically nothing for 4 years.
>> Second, the story mentions nothing about how much Kerry was just like
>> Bush. Of course the middle of the country would rather have someone
>> more like them, when both candidates are saying damn near the same
>> thing. Kerry is an elitist east coast snob.
>> Third, There is no other half. No black and white split. The corporate
>> machine just loves to create the illusion of left and right and keep
>> people split in half while they take us all down. Many good people
>> voted for Bush because they are conservatives and they had nothing
>> better. Same that many good progressives voted for Kerry because they
>> had nothing better.
>> Kerry and Bush are Skull and Bones brothers and on the same side.
>> Bush was very beatable, but there is no way Kerry was going to attack
>> him where he was weak, because to do so would go against his corporate
>> owners. The Dems would rather accept second place in a fake two party
>> system, rather than challenge the system itself.
>> my thoughts on the matter
>> deva
>> Fuck the Corporate Media -
>> Corporate Media is a disease
>> Indymedia is a cure
>> The single most important act people can take is to stop watching TV
>> and reading newspapers.
>> *** *** ***
>> "Beware the newspapers, for they will have you hating the oppressed,
>> and loving the people doing the oppressing"
>> Malcolm X
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