[IMC-US] Another draft of press release.

Tribal Scribal valeoftheoaks at hotmail.com
Sat Oct 30 18:34:06 CDT 2004

Excellent. How about my earlier question about who sends it where and when? 
It seems like "when" might be Sunday night, yes? How about who sends it 
where? This is the breakdown i asked about this morning:

<<Should we take like categories to send it out to, like 1)other independent 
media; 2)liberal media; 3)p&j groups; 4)media activist groups; etc.? >>

If this works for everyone, people could pick a category and ask the list 
for any additional links they don't have, UNLESS someone is sitting on the 
mother of all lists, of course!  :)


"I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as 
necessary in the political world as storms in the physical world."

- Thomas Jefferson
more rebellion here:


I like

>From: Ana Nogueira <ana at riseup.net>
>To: <imc-us at ucimc.org>
>Subject: [IMC-US] Another draft of press release. Date: Sat, 30 Oct 2004 
>18:51:27 -0400
>Another quote I was waiting on came in. so I added it. Are there any other
>suggested changes?
>Btw, looks like democracy now is interested in doing a whole segment monday
>on what indymedia's plans are for the election. This includes the text
>messeging stuff and voip and what not. ;-)
>Happy halloween
>On the eve of what may be the most important election in U.S. history, the
>Indymedia network announces the launch of a new and indispensable website
>for gathering the news and views of ordinary people across the country and
>around the world.
>With its mission of publishing independent, on-the-ground reports from the
>people who experience the news most directly, indymedia.us will amplify the
>voices of those most directly impacted not only by the elections process,
>but also by the policies of either a Bush or Kerry administration.
>³Indymedia has changed the face of journalism through its creative and
>comprehensive coverage from the front lines of struggles for social justice
>through out the world,² says Amy Goodman, host of Democracy Now!, the
>independent public radio and TV news hour. ³With its vast network of
>unembedded journalists throughout the country indymedia.us will become a
>weapon in the fight for the truth about what happens on November 2nd and
>The US IMC website centers around a syndicated wire of all featured 
>published by participating local US-based IMCs. As with all Indymedia 
>the USIMC¹s open publishing newswire empowers people to become the media by
>posting their articles, photos, videos, and audio clips directly to the
>website¹s wire. But the US IMC¹s main function is to make the news that is
>published, culled and edited to local IMC sites relevant and accessible to 
>broader audience.
>Says journalist and activist Rosa Clemente: ³Indymedia is the only source
>that truly comes from the ground-up. Young people all across the globe are
>learning how to be the story-tellers of their community. In a whole host of
>ways, Indymedia has access to reports that the corporate media and even 
>alternative media outlets do not.²
>There are currently 165 autonomous Independent Media Centers (IMC) around
>the world. Over 50 of them are in the United States.
>Indymedia is a grassroots network committed to using media production and
>distribution as tools for promoting social and economic justice. It is
>dedicated to addressing issues that the mainstream media neglects and hopes
>to empower people to "become the media" by providing democratic access to
>available technologies and information.
>Visit the site at: http://us.indymedia.org <http://us.indymedia.org/>  or
>http://indymedia.us <http://indymedia.us/>
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