[IMC-US] dada sites hacked

john duda john at manifestor.org
Thu Apr 28 13:02:33 CDT 2005

if anyone out there has a local imc whose site has been hacked due to
the recent dada vulnerability, and doesn't have local techs who can
correct the problem(join #tech) in a timely manner, we can point your
site at indymedia.us temporarily until your server gets put back

let me know if you want this, or better yet, hop on irc #tech and tell
someone you need your imc pointed at indymedia.us temporarily.

if any one takes this option, please put up a start special that says,
due to technical difficulties, such and such sites are off line, and
are being temporarily redirected to this site.



this is where my public key can be found:
gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys 03817826
Key fingerprint = 6C11 8D70 2ADE EFA9 498D  72CB 77EA 391A 0381 7826

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