[IMC-US] Collaboration--WALMART?

Tarik Abdelazim modocpress at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 10 00:30:19 CDT 2005

As we re-evaluate the role of IMC-US, and as we
continue to syndicate more IMC feeds, I'm left to
wonder why we let drop the great idea of


Yes, I'm pushing for some obvious end-result, but let
me reiterate why...

In November, Robert Greenwald of OUTFOXXED fame is
releasing "Walmart: The High Cost of Low Prices." Over
2400 screenings are planned nationally (Binghamton
Indymedia included). So why not encourage a NATIONAL
COLLABORATION of reporting on Walmart. IMagine AP
trying to coordindate something like this. FORGET IT!!
This is exactly what Indymedia, and our network, can

So, one more time: Can we please pick WALMART as our
NOVember collaboration? We could advertise on the
national site that we want local IMCS to contribute to
this national project. Imagine what the site would
look like come November...as mass media did its
one-day feature about how Walmart brings us cheap pool
cues, TVs, and an old man named Dale at the door, we
could feature a NATION-WIDE report on the local
impacts of Walmart...


tarik abdelazim

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