[IMC-US] 5-3-05 notes, but not formatted

bradley at riseup.net bradley at riseup.net
Wed May 4 00:13:08 CDT 2005


betsy    yehaa! meeting time [in a few minutes]
    betsy    hi john
    bradley    i just added some links to the mayday wiki pad
    mahtin    what is this meeting, i didn't know there was a meeting
    bradley    what list are you on mahtin?

are you on this list?
    -->|    baku (cgiirc at adsl-65-70-203-143.dsl.austtx.swbell.net) has 
joined #us
    bradley    be sure to join this list
    bradley    i've sent out three emails about the meeting
    mahtin    dude i am on so many fucking lists
    bradley    i guess i should have CCed imc-us-editorial
    mahtin    i can't get on another
    bradley    join one more for imc-us, yes you can
    bradley    well, obviously we need to figure that out. which lists 
people should join and how we should use them
    betsy    this is hte party meeting :) we're planning a party at the 
white house
    betsy    it's called the revolution and YOU ALL are invited!!!
    mahtin    well, have a good meeting
    betsy    nooooo,don't leave
    mahtin    i am still waiting for updates from jeff p for the 
military resister story
    mahtin    i don't think lotus's should be a separate center column 
thing- i think it should be parto f the one i am doing
    mahtin    that's my thoughts
    mahtin    i have to go get junkfoodahold
    bradley    yeah, that is why i sent that to you
    mahtin    oops junkfoodahol
    mahtin    i saw it this am
    mahtin    and my acct is 99.2% full
    bradley    i agree the sd info should go into the feature you write
    mahtin    i guess i could deal with the fullness now
    bradley    i added mayday links here
    bradley    so, this works:

but this goes to indy.us
    bradley    why?
    john    bradley: clear your cache
    bradley    who is here for a meeting?
    nyc_josh    me, sort of
    bradley    ok, i will clear all
    nyc_josh    have to multitask
    john    i am here for a meeting. the west coast better represent, 
it's pretty late here...
    bradley    thanks, john, much better, glad to see nyc-imc again.
and, hi josh, multitask is cool, thanks
    bradley    who chose this time again?
    mahtin    yah, 5pm makes a lot more sense
    mahtin    ok i am out
    bradley    if this time does not work, then.....
    -->|    sarsnic (cgiirc at cpe-66-69-150-20.houston.res.rr.com) has 
joined #us
    bradley    how about 6pm PST and 9pm EST?
    john    hey sarsnic
    bradley    what about atlanta and austin. are they back up?
    sarsnic    hey whats up
    bradley    people here so far to meet, from what i can tell:

josh - sorta
    betsy    betsy's here
    bradley    good
    betsy    but am tired too
    bradley    how about 6pm PST and 9pm EST?
next time?
    betsy    ahhh,,, i like that idea :)
    bradley    motion passes
    bradley    i'm joking
    bradley    but, if it works for other people, it works for me too
    bradley    it is 8:15
    bradley    time is ticking
    bradley    people are tired
    bradley    anyone want to log this meeting?
    bradley    do we want a facilitator? do we want to propose agenda 
items? outreach was mentioned. or, shall we work together on a nice may 
day feature?
    sarsnic    I block
    sarsnic    j/k
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    john    i like a working meeting, with some updates on outreach
    john    i'm specifically interested in dead imc's, and what we can 
do to help them
    bradley    that rocks, i'm with you john
    sarsnic    I got a list together of dead imcs a while ago
    bradley    can you pull that up again?
    sarsnic    yeah
    john    is austin still down ? :(
    bradley    shall we pick an order to work on these three topics? or 
sorta all at once (-:
i'll try either way
    sarsnic    this was the imcs that happened to be dead in december
    nyc_josh    define dead
    bradley    no features in three months
    nyc_josh    that's a good measure
    sarsnic    and some didn't come up at all - I am sure some have been 
    bradley    john, how can we best help them? how can i help.
    bradley    a friend of mine, a sc-imc techie, offered to help betsy 
out with stl-imc, for a couple hours to get her square on stuff (-:
    bradley    i guess they will be using dada
    nyc_josh    in some instances, they might not need help. they might 
need to go dormant
    sarsnic    victoria wanted help and it appears they got it
    bradley    anyone want to log this meeting. you can vote for me to 
do it (-:
    bradley    but i don't volunteer to do formatting
    john    nyc_josh: that's what i'd say.....we should be trying to do 
triage, finding out why sites are dead, suggesting really dead sites go 
dormant, and figuring which sites need help, and getting help there, 
either virtually or in person
    nyc_josh    that sounds like a healthy auditing process
    nyc_josh    dormant could mean site is still up, but with a notice 
and open publishing turned off
    john    yeah, ideally turned into static html that doesn't present a 
security risk.
    sarsnic    I know there is alot to discuss, but I am a bit 
interested in the conundrum presented by the belgium disaffiliation request
    nyc_josh    ?
    bradley    sarsnic, that is totally off topic here, sorry
    john    that's quite a shitstorm....
    sarsnic    yeah thats cool
    sarsnic    sorry :)
    bradley    it would be good for you send an email to imc-us to let 
people know about the various list for indymedia global process.
    bradley    if you want, that would be helpful, i think. or, for 
anyone to do it
    bradley    so shall we try to dig up contact info for the various 
imcs which may desire help?
    john    yeah, i don't think we should supplant the established 
process, but try to help out bringing stuff to its attention
    john    i think i got all the counterrecruitment stories so far, but 
please feel free to add some....
    john    oops i missed the bronx
    bradley    some links are in the edit, but not on the page. is it me 
    bradley    the link to sc was missing a quote. it is ok now, thanks john
    john    thank you
    bradley    i can work on trying to find contact info for 'dead imcs' 
if that would be helpful now
    bradley    or, updating the list sarsnic made, yeah, i'll do that
    bradley    i want to update this page at the same time.
do you have an updated list, john?
    bradley    of IMCs syndicated to Indy.us?
    bradley    if, not, no big deal
    nyc_josh    it would be nice to have that list - of which us imcs 
are syndicated to the site - on the site (maybe at the top of the cities 
    bradley    well, i'll update it now
    bradley    thanks josh
    john    hmmm....
    john    i wonder if i could automate it somehow.....
    bradley    and i'll kick back, thanks!
    john    i have a list of feeds, but not all the feeds work
    john    so it's a matter of going through logs and looking at error 
    john    ideally there would be a checkmark next to the imc on the 
cities list.
    bradley    i can just update the list by memory and by checking the 
site and admin interface
    bradley    or, if you want to dig through the logs and think it 
would be quicker
    bradley    i'll work on updating now (-:
    bradley    john, are you sending me info on IMCs that have a working 
feed to indy.us?
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    john    the student resistance thing is coming along....
    john    i can't find an indy link for the emerson walkout, and i 
dont' feel qualified to write the tent state part
    john    bradley...i'll trade you....i'll make the working feed list 
if you summarize tent state :)
    mark    i think we should add functionality to contact.indy to check 
if feed URLs exist, validate, and put link/title/description into database
    -->|    ali (~useruser at h-69-3-236-98.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net) has 
joined #us
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reset by peer)
    john    mark that is a great idea!
    bradley    hi mark, great to see you round here
    bradley    as long as we are talking about the ciites list, can we 
move the "projects" and "regional IMCs" to the top? they are 
automatically the bottom of the sc-imc city list
    mark    i dont really know any good way to validate aside from 
    mark    the results could be parsed for <h2>Congratulations, Warning 
or Sorry (for errors)</h2>
    john    probably the easiest way to do it...shame they don't have an api
    mark    well i can download it and install it
    mark    i guess that would be way faster if we wanted to validate 
all feeds at once
    mark    it is python
    mark    we could validate all feeds and then have nice little smiley 
faces, frowney face etc.
    mark    maybe we could have a cronjob validate all feeds once a day 
and send erros and warnings somewhere
    john    it would be also cool to note the most recent entry
    mark    trying to syndicate open publishing is a mess, i've found 
almost every known illegal character in indybay's newswire feed
    nyc_josh    that would make doing the audit a hell of a lot easier
    john    many feeds validate, but are very very stale (i.e. missing 
    nyc_josh    I mean, if there could be some sort of automated notice 
that went to a list when an imc hadn't published a feature for a month
    john    i have some code that cleans feeds up. we could even install 
that on contact.indymedia and attempt to automatically clean up bad feeds
    nyc_josh    then you can check to see if it's a tech issue or a 
human resource issue
    bradley    can anyone help get the audio from SC-IMC syndicated to 
radio-imc, by chance????
I asked spud for the syndication info, but have not heard back. is this 
something that you can help with mark?
    john    the code also does some badass screen scraping that turns 
minimal feeds into full content feeds automagically
    mark    cool. i have some decent code in indybay based on actual 
characters we came across , it is a huge search and replace array(e.g. 
replace ascii value 1 with nothing)
    mark    but i haven't yet merged into sf-active
    mark    i don't know how people end up with those control characters 
when they post
    mark    bradley i think there is a standard url for audio 
syndication in dada
    mark    check radio.indy and see if corresponding url works on sc.indy
    bradley    it was working when we had dadaIMC dada .98, but since 
our upgrade to .99 almost 2 months ago, we have not been syndicating
    mark    is the url there and not updating? maybe u don't have the 
right cronjob
    john    mark: tidy does a decent job cleaning up feeds...it's what 
my script uses, along with a screen scraping perl thing called "nexus"
    bradley    i think the URL for audio syndication that worked before 
is no longer working
    mark    does tidy get rid of all the control characters?
    mark    bradley i don't know jack about dada. if the url is gone 
then there must be a new url. if so then we can apply it to the 
radio.indy site
    bradley    thanks mark, i'll keep trying to figure out the new URL
    mark    looks like all the dada sites on radio.indy have /audio.xml
    john    mark: i may be wrong....i thought i was using tidy to clean 
up the feed, but it turns out i'm just using it to clean up the scraped html
    mark    so either the cronjob doesnt have permission to create that 
file or the cronjob doesnt exist
    mark    u need to ask spud how to get your site to create the 
audio.xml file
    mark    john: ok. i've found its not so hard to syndicate features, 
if everyone is using the same character set, you can use php to convert 
to utf8 easily enough, but with open publishing u somehow tend to get 
character soup
    mark    so we have this huge array to try to turn windows, mac, 
utf8, control characters and anything else into valid xml
    john    i'm going to go through that list of non-syndicated imc's 
and see if i can't get any of them to work
    bradley    right on
    john    i'll also note whether the imc looks dead or not....

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