[IMC-US] Re: Help with article promotion

bradley at riseup.net bradley at riseup.net
Sat Sep 3 17:01:25 CDT 2005

hello Tarik and all,

PROMOTED: The Path out of Crawford Leads to Binghamton

Promoting a Syndicated Feature:

feel free to email anytime you would like help using the Admin 
Interface, or anything else.


* * * * *

tarik wrote:

Hello, all. I'd like to promote the following article:

"The Path out of Crawford Leads to Binghamton"

Yes, might seem poor taste as I authored the piece,
but this REALLY is an incredibly important story:
first federal conspiracy trial of civilian war
resisters. For pouring blood on a military recruiting
center two days before the war started, four parents
now face up to six years in prison and $275,000 if
convicted of conspiracy.

Problem is, somebody told me before that I just need
to send an email to the editorial listserv, but last
time I tried, it was bounced back.

I have a very steep learning curve, but I'm
technologically inept. If somebody can do this, then
explain to me how it was done, I won't bother again.
And I'll actually spend more time administering the
national site and promoting articles other than my
own. (smile)

Thanks, ya'll.



bye bye,

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