[Imc] news from IMC central...

Sascha Meinrath meinrath at students.uiuc.edu
Sun Dec 31 23:12:43 UTC 2000

i've been in contact with several folks from the national imc organization. 
there's a couple things here that i think some of you might be interested
in --
i've expurgated the e-mail jay sent me, but here's the gist of it.  let me
if you are interested in working on the News Blast described below or if you
know of anything exciting happening in april.


>One way global Indymedia has been thinking
>about raising money (to support things like shared server space and other
>network-wide needs) has been to produce a weekly "News Blast," a summary of
>week's top Indymedia stories and links to the best the local IMCs had to
>that week.  We would get people to donate to Indymedia, maybe $5/month,
and in
>exchange they would get the News Blast.  That will really help people get a
>handle on what is going on in the independent media around the world, and I
>think (especially when we translate it into several languages) it will
reach a
>broad audience.  The idea is that we would make this a project of both the
>global print group and local IMCs.  Local IMCs would help get people to
>in exchange for the New Blast.  Global Indymedia would split the News Blast
>donations with local IMCs 50/50.  That may not mean much to a group that
has a
>lot of offer like Urbana-Champaign, but could be a big boost to local IMCs
>don't produce their own media.  Plus, some people would be very excited to
>receive a weekly summary of what's happening around the world, from an
>Indymedia perspective, and in doing so they would be able to support their
>local IMC too.  Anyway, it's just an idea.  
>One thing we'd like to do is get someone from every local IMC to be involved
>producing the News Blast, and also to get involved in the global print team
>which would put together the News Blast and do a whole lot more.  Do you
>anyone from Urbana-Champaign would be interested in being part of that
kind of
>project?  We'd love to have someone from Urbana-Champaign involved in the the
>global print team.  Let them know they can sign up for the
>"imc-print at indymedia.org" e-mail list at "http://lists.indymedia.org" to be
>part of the group.  

>Hey, by the way, there's a slim chance I may be coming through
>Urbana-Champaign when I'm on tour this spring.  Is there going to be anything
>interesting going on there toward the end of April?  Maybe we could plan
>something fun, like a Prague or Melbourne IMC video showing or at least an
>Indymedia pot luck?  It could be a great chance to connect some local IMC
>issues with some global Indymedia issues.  
>I have to run.  Happy new year, and keep in touch,
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