[Imc] Minutes 11-5-2000

Peter Miller peterm at shout.net
Sun Nov 5 19:54:31 UTC 2000

IMC Notes
Sun, November 5, 2000
Noon at 1006 S. Garfield

Attending -- Sehvilla Mann, Ellen (facilitator) Knutson, Paul Riismandel, Sarah
Kanouse, Brian Hagy, Sascha Meinrath, Mike Lehman, Eric Hiltner, Peter Miller,
Jason Johnston (jjohnsto at s.psych.uiuc.edu)

Meeting began at 12:17

Updates (News, Tech, Fundraising, Partnerships, Space)
Action (Benefit, Mission Stmt., Election Coverage)

The meeting
It began closer to 12:20 than to noon.  We should either try to be more prompt
or change the meeting time.

President vetoed commerce appropriations bill (with anti-LPFM language),
sending it back to congress until after the election.

Ralph Nader's speech at the Oct. 10 rally in Chicago was broadcast on WILL at
10 p.m. on Friday, and it was credited to the Urbana IMC!

McChesney talk videotaped and audio taped.  Not sure when it'll be used.  (Part
will be used in the IMC video.)  
Staley trial--thing started a bit rough with the security people, but it eased
up as the demo progressed. IMC reporters were thrown out of the trial on
Thursday afternoon (Sehvilla and Laura Anderson).  Reports were filed on Monday
(Sigfried), Tuesday AM (Peter), Tuesday PM (Mike L.).  None since then.  Tim
attended on Friday AM, Sarah will .  Jamie didn't post notes because she didn't

Rally:  Sarah has stills, Kord has video, No audio.

Eric will ask Chuck to make a drawing.  He'll give it to Brian who'll scan it
and post 
Mon PM--Eric/Chuck
Tues PM-- ???

*  Brookens Admin., 7 - 10 p.m. - Mike L./(Eric/Kord)
*  Greens (at RHVR) 7 - 10 p.m. - Paul R.
*  Democrats 7 - 10 p.m.- Mike L./
*  Republicans 7 - 10 p.m.- ???  (Peter?)
*  Polling places on campus and in N. Champaign, various times during the day
to talk to voters.- Sehvilla (campus), Eric/Kord (N. Champaign).  Sarah will
ask Maria Silva if she wants to help.
*  Letter to the editor re-Nader sign stealing: ???

Other events to cover
*  Monday, 7:30 at Urbana City Building.  Final approval of ANOTHER Atkins
subdivision.  Covered by ???.
*  Friday, evening, Assembly Hall for men's basketball game. Women Against
Racism is planning a coordinated boo-ing of illiniwek.  Contact Jenny Barrett
(352-2714). Covered by Eric/Kord (tentative).
*  Wednesday, 1:30 p.m. Foellinger.  Final report on illiniwek by Judge
Garippo. Covered by Sehvilla.
*  Saturday, 10 - 12 Moyer's Boys & Girls Club.  Charter School group makes
presentation.  Contact R(h?)onna Gold (). Covered by Sarah (who will also be
doing child care).
*  Thursday, November 30, 1-year anniversary of Seattle protests.

Tech Update
Molly says that we're having problems getting the site up.  Lack of support for
software from global IMC is a problem.  They don't have the people to help,
right now.

Ellen said that Kim Kranich from WEFT & WILL has approached us tentatively
about forming a partnership with WILL for 3rd party reporting.

The IMC Space
Norm is back in town and he wants to talk about the space.  We currently appear
to have two options, Chub Connor's campaign space and the Cinema.  Molly fears
that putting him off will not help our negotiating position.  Lori Patterson,
Danielle (who returns on Tuesday), Molly, and Sascha will meet with Norm this
week.  We haven't established a solid negotiating position--e.g. what is our

The Big Space Meeting will take place on Nov. 11, not the 18th.

Fundraising Benefit
Sarah reviewed a mission/flyer (developed by Sarah, Ellen, Paul R.) with the
group.  Overall approval.  Things look good.  A few performers have cancelled,
but it's not a serious problem.

Sascha asked for someone to send a reminder about tonight's event.  Peter
agreed to do it.

Interim Election of President
The bank requires a letter from the president of the organization to open a
bank account.  Sarah Kanouse was elected to a one-week term.

Sarah volunteered to facilitate the next meeting.

Meeting concluded at about 1:40.

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