[Imc] baby steps to the website

Zachary C.Miller wolfgang at wolfgang.groogroo.com
Mon Nov 6 12:24:49 UTC 2000

Alright I just put some stuff from tonights event up on my server so
people can grab them. For now this stuff is FOR INTERNAL USE
ONLY. Please do not publish this URL and if you are going to use any
of the audio from tonight you will have to edit it down.

The audio file from tonight is just one long file of everything that
got recorded on my minidisc by various people. There is lots of dead
air and false starts and the end of the disc is an interview with a
drunk woman (who identifies herself in the interview but who shall
remain nameless here) who did not sound like she wanted to be
interviewed so we probably shouldn't rebroadcast her comments.

Anyway without further ado several digital photos and a long mp3 file
from tonight are here:

I also made mp3s from all the s26 audio that I had and put them here:

Here is my current vision for the website:

There is no reason that we have to have fancy IMC software working
before we go public with the website. I would like to take several of
the major events for which we have produced materials, get all the
materials manually loaded on to the server, create some static summary
pages explaining what each item is and organizing all the information,
and write a front page introducing the site.

Right now we have a ton of materials that we can upload. I'd like to
get the rest of the S26 stuff (audio, video, electronic versions of
handouts and flyers from the event) up. I'd like to get the rest of
tonights rally up (audio, video, a text summary of who was there and
archival versions of press releases leading up to the event). We can
also put up audio and video from the Jeffery St. Clair talk early in
October. I also have a lot of stuff that I captured at the October 1
Nader Super Rally. 

We have all kinds of stuff and it all centers around events. 

We should also have a newswire archive where we put up some of the
various news summaries (e.g. Staley trial reports) that have been
posted on the list by Mike, Peter, and others.

All of this can be done without any IMC software. 

Once we get the IMC software working we can put a link on our front
page to that system. I see the IMC software as providing a publicly
access free for all content posting system which is invaluable but I
see it as only being a part of our website. What we can do with the
rest is create after the fact permanent archives of material from
various events in a way that is better organized than the IMC software

What we need to do this is experienced people who can slog through
coding the HTML. We need graphics people to give us a look and feel
template sort of thing. Perhaps we can get this all worked out at an
upcoming IMC-Tech meeting. People interested in helping with tech
stuff should sign on to the imc-tech list at lists.groogroo.com.

I don't have so much time to do this stuff myself, I can provide
direction but at this time I just can't write all that HTML or wade
through complex software installs, or write new software. I can give
access to my server to anyone who needs it.

Zachary C. Miller - @= - http://wolfgang.groogroo.com/
IMSA 1995 - UIUC 2000 - Just Another Leftist Muppet
  Social Justice, Community, Nonviolence, Decentralisation,
  Sustainability, Feminism, Responsibility, Diversity, Democracy,
  Ecology - http://www.greens.org - http://www.votenader.org

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