[Imc] Re: your mail

Danielle Chynoweth chyn at onthejob.net
Tue Nov 14 22:16:30 UTC 2000

Hi Tim,

Thanks for your interest.  Yes, background research is greatly needed!  

We have been in existence for a mere 6 weeks and in that time have already
covered dozens of stories. The IMC meets every Sunday at noon at 1006 S.
Garfield on the NE corner of Carle Park.  We give and receive story
assignments both as part of these meetings and through our virtual
newsroom (see below).  

This weeks assignments include:

- The Democrats won a majority on the County Board.  What will this mean?
- The Greens won 5% of the vote in Champaign County and 13% in Urbana,
building a relatively sizable base in this area. What are they planning
next?  What dilemmas do they face?
- What are the details of Durbin's bill for electoral reform?
- On Dec 11, UI researchers are releasing the results of a controversial
racial climate survey in Champaign schools. 

If you're interested helping out on any of these stories or have story
suggestions of you own, please post them to imc at lists.groogroo.com.

I am sending this message to the IMC listserv so our reporters know of
your offer of help.  In addition I strongly recommend that you join our
virtual newsroom.  Through it, we give and take story assignments and ask
for and offer each other assistance.  To sign up, go to:


and select "imc-newsroom."  If you want to stay abreast of general IMC
info, sign up for "imc" too.

Hope this helps.  

Please contact me with questions and/or come to our next meeting this
Sunday at Noon at 1006 S Garfield.  It's not necessary that you come to
our regular meetings to help us report the news, but maybe you could come
to one, tell us about your interests, and then we could coordinate from


Danielle Chynoweth
danielle at onthejob.net

On Tue, 14 Nov 2000, timothy howard gotsch wrote:

> Danielle,
> I recently heard a blurb for the Independant Media Center on WEFT, which
> spoke of the need for volunteers.  I don't have the time to do any
> reporting, but would be willing to gather background info for
> stories/articles.  Please let me know if you could use my assistance.
> Thanks and peace.
> Tim Gotsch

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