[Imc] steering group notes 4/15

Sarah Kanouse skanouse at usa.net
Sun Apr 15 18:23:09 UTC 2001

IMC Steering Group Notes
April 15, 2001

Attending: James Jacobs (facilitator), Mike Lehman, Brian Hagy, Robert Dunn,
Paul Riismandel, Sarah Kanouse (notetaker), Ellen Knutson, Danielle Chynoweth,
Mitra Ghaboussi

Announcements:  Sarah suggested that at all IMC steering and news meetings we
send around a calendar for events to be

Focus Groups:
Membership doubled this week from three to six members; including Dan Lewart
and Eric Dyson, Mike.  Mike knows Linex and will try to build new computers
out of the parts from the back.  Dan knows php and will work on the website. 
Eric is taking a class at Parkland and is working on getting a pentium

Next meeting is 4/29.  Big orientation is April 21, noon-2 pm.  Paul R. will
call a meeting for working group representatives to plan the orientation;  he
foresees each group giving a 5-10 minute presentation.  Flyers will be
available later tonight.  Sarah will send out an announcement to events list.

Trying to strategize to decentralize new production and get more community
participation.  Creation of outreach packet to send to organization (go to
meetings, and make presentation).  Will include heavy cards for people to
document their events to publish online, with understanding that stories may
be broadcast on WEFT.  Can fax if no web access.  Created list of proposed
goals re: venues, staff needs to complete projects.  Will need other focus
groups' participation to pitch IMC to outside groups.  Are creating another
form for individuals to check off their interst in the IMC and get involved.

Proposal for two week residency in Allen Hall;  would get the IMC $2000-$3000
for two week residence.  We may move our production studio to Allen Hall for
duration of the residency and cover production skills, media history, media
awareness, etc.  Designed for all IMC members to be involved in, not just news
group.  If you're interested, give your name and topic to Danielle by

Librarians:  Began to work on organizing Archive materials, including an
archive documentation form for physical materials (e.g. manuscripts, minidisc,
cd, videotape).   The eventual system for submitting items to archive will be
to put item in manila envelope with archive form stapled to outside and place
in a dropbox outside the production room. To Newsgroup: please provide better
documentation of your raw materials to help the archivists.  Danielle suggests
putting archive forms in the media kit bags to fill out on site.  Danielle
brought over blue binders for the librarian's archive.

Sarah raised the issue of an IMC scrapbook with documentation of events at the
IMC, articles about the IMC, printed materials, letter, etc.  Discussion on
how to organize.  Librarians are starting to accept IMC history materials in
their mailbox--please label. 

Also complete letter to publishers for free magazine subscriptions, will go
out this week.

Finance:  We've realized over $10,000 since October.  Founder Funders, please
get in your April checks.  Funds are still being solicited for Quebec City
trip--no money is coming from basic IMC budget.  Staff, please put out
sandwich board with "Snacks, books, and CDs inside" when no IMC events are

Space: Next meeting is 5/2.   Danielle is donating  two large shelving units
organize the junkspace in the back room to create a storage space for computer
parts and a place for spillover retail items.  James and Paul will bring the
shelves over this week and clean up some of the computer supplies

Sarah will be taking over from Molly as booking coordinator starting May 1.  

Press Passes: Brian Hagy has redesigned the press passes--has eight different
templates for review.

Quebec City Reporting:  There will be daily phone interviews at the IMC to
provide audio for local radio stations, especially morning menu folks.  
Danielle is organizing a press conference (Tuesday at 7 PM)   to introduce
Quebec City crew and invite local media to use IMC-produced web-based content
in their broadcasts if IMC is credited.  Home support teams will send out
daily email updates and create 1000 word print stories for website and perhaps
DI.  More discussion will take place during news meeting.

Vision Discussion:
What is long-term vision of the IMC?  Continuation of last week's discussion.

Last week:  print publication (substitute for the Octopus?) , progressive
calendar (clearinghouse for the whole community), add two hundred members per

Paul:  Overall goal is greater media visibility, projects include: print
media, WEFT regular shows, public access TV.  Want to be ubiquitous.   Will
take a long time.  All  projects undertaken because they create visibility.

Danielle: Vision is to increase the number of voices within the IMC and the
community as a whole and to become an activist resource center.

Discussion of projects:
Another local group is thinking about taking over the Octopus, since the
parent company has filed for bankruptcy.  Consensus seems to be that all
you're buying is debt--we could partner with them.  Possible insertion of IMC
newsletter into Octopus.

William's suggestion (via email) was to have an in-house small press
(literary/news).  What purposes (subscription-only  IMC newsletter, small
paper, small books, etc.)  How much of an investment is it?  How much money
will we get?

Silkscreening t-shirts, posters, etc.  Dave Monk has extensive silkscreening
equipment and may be interested in teaching the skill to others.

Discussion of energy, follow-through, etc:
Mike:  We need to evaluate timeline and make sure we have the labor power and
financial resources to complete them.  Concerned about follow-through.  Bring
in new people to existing projects.  

Danielle:  Let energy go where it wants to go.  If some projects fail, others
succeed--there is no way of knowing what will be successful.  It's important
to give people a chance to pursue their energies, otherwise we limit

Ellen:  Keep in mind burnout, draw in others to help when energy is high. 
Keep communication tight to prevent duplication of effort.

Paul:  Keep in mind people's different working styles and needs.

Proposal: use discussion from steering group re: vision to create an overall
vision discussion with the IMC community; create new vision statement out of
discussion with members/funders/community.  Can be part of bi-yearly meeting,
followed by potluck.  Tentatively scheduled for May.

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