[Imc] everyone got across the Canadian border

Danielle Chynoweth chyn at onthejob.net
Thu Apr 19 17:59:12 UTC 2001

all 4 cars!

becca, who was in the "risky car" (because laura in the car and she may be
on their radar) said it was easier than expected.  They all crossed
between 12:30 AM and 8 AM today.

they are now in toronto, headed for quebec.

we expect a call between this evening and the middle of the night
saying they have arrived.

pauline and paul riismandel produced two excellent drop ins for WEFT today
and yesterday. thursday was interviews with maiko, celeste and laura.
today was a focus on border politics with clips from a vermont group.
pauline and i will be producing a drop in for tomorrow.  it will air
around 8:15 - 8:30 AM.

-- danielle

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