[Imc] steering group notes 8-19-01

Peter Miller peterm at shout.net
Sun Aug 19 18:16:27 UTC 2001

IMC Steering Group Meeting

Attending: Brian Hagy (facilitator), James Jacobs, Mike Lehman, Becca 
Glaser, Sascha Meinrath, Peter Miller (note-taker), Mark Enslin, Brent 

Finance things are going well.  Donate to IMC audio workstation 
fund.  Trying to raise $1000 by October 1.  Send checks made out to the IMC 
with "audio workstation" in the memo.  Raised $200 (after expenses) from 
the Alix Olsen show.  (Actually raised $280, but needed to buy equipment 
for the front-room video feed.)

Print is well underway for its second issue.  Paul Mueth is worried about a 
shortage of articles.

Outreach: Quad Day--Mike, Aaron, Paul R. wil be there (Civic Action's 
booth) and others should come on out! (11 a. -5 p.) Reporter from Parkland 
came to Alix O's show and will write an article.

Tech, Librarians, Space haven't met due to vacations.

Old Things
Membership Meeting--James reported that it's jelling.  *** WED at 7 P.M. at 
the IMC ***  The mailing went out to all members and many others (170 
total) on Monday.  Catering fell through, so we need people to bring 
food.  Don't know if Ellen has received the write-ups for the working 
groups.  The charrette (what's the IMC, where should it go?) will be 
finished up on Tuesday evening.  The celebration--Paul Kotheimer will play.

Regional IMC Meeting -- No update.  Sascha said some problem with the 
server slowed things down.

Decision making -- Some discussion about the 8/12 discussion.  Print, in 
particular has had some difficulty holding effective meetings.  Don't want 
consensus to be a barrier to participation.  People have felt that 
consensus is needed for every decision, big and small, and this has hurt 
participation.  Is it just a problem in a particular group, or with the 
steering group and IMC as a whole?  It's mostly a problem in just the print 

3 Issues
1) Print group issue.  If print has a problem, what should 
happen?  Danielle will make a consensus presentation to the print group and 
prepare a one-page consensus explanation.
2) Need for IMC decision-making orientation--include at Membership 
meeting?  (Yes.)  Distribute the one-page flow chart to new IMC'ers.  Make 
a real effort to tell new IMC'ers about consensus during any forum aimed at 
new IMC'ers.
3) When a decision needs to be made, review the process as necessary to 
ensure that all understand.

Upcoming Things
Sweetcorn Festival -- 8/25.  Have a little booth right outside the front of 
the IMC.

Lease Renewal -- Up in January, but landlords will want a decision some 
time soon.  Finance has been discussing it.  (If they want us out, then 
we'd need at least 4 months to relocate.)  Sascha will talk to the landlords.

Anti-Whine (Announcements)
Quad day, sweet corn festival, PAZ (permanent autonomous zone festival in 
Louisville--labor day weekend.  James, Ellen, and Paul are talking about 
going); IMF/WB? (Sascha plans on going--8/28--as a reporter for the IMC, 
documenting the protests.); Queeruption (San Francisco, 10/4-10/8, Becca & 
Suzanne will be going.  2nd gathering of the punk, train-hopping, 
squat-living, artist, queer gathering with workshops, music, and other 

meeting ended aroung 1
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