[Imc] minutes and moments- print meeting 081701

pfmueth pfmueth at ux1.cso.uiuc.edu
Sun Aug 19 20:56:32 UTC 2001

public i meeting notes 081701
. . .some additional notes appended from after the

 Attendees: <<did I forget someone?>>
 Darrin Drda, facilitating, Paul Mueth,  recording,
 David Madden, Omar Ricks, John Wason, Shelley Masar,
 Avram Trist, Mike Lehman, (Sascha Meinrath, lurking
 and doing other work)
  Brent McDonald arrived after meeting

 Issue #2 -totally
 "Section" review
The Child Labor article is not finished. It
 could still be available for future issue.
 Space will likely be yielded to HR (see just below)

 2)Human Rights
 Living wage- Economic rights
 Betweeen Belden's & Mike and Maiko et al.,
 we have about 2800 words, which can be laid out in
 clever ways, we hope, to fit 2 pages, center fold.
 Mike is posting an amended version today (Friday)

 3)Community Forum
 Bubble Head~700 might be expanded past that #, see
 below.  Gordo unsolicited back patting Letter ~350(?)

 4) Community Profile
 Study Circles- John Wason will pen something posthaste
 after solicited article prove unsatisfactory.
 Sidebar Diversity Training piece (Shelley?)

 Gladys Hunt had medical problems and was not able to
 write media and African-American images.
 Brent (who was at work at the time of the meeting)
 spoke of writng about Hong Kong/Hollywood Film
 Industry with emphasis on global conglomeration. At
 the meeting, I (PFM) spoke of soliciting a media
 analysis article that would not be so easily covered
 in Art.
 Not likely that could be done for this issue.

 IMF-World Bank Dave Madden is to write short piece
 about the s30 demo. He recommend a Q&A from
 globalexchange.org, could be excerpted for
 sidebar/companion piece
 NEA Shelley ~750-1000 Sidebar (and photo) of article
 about soon to be controversial sculpture (Homage to
 Jocelyn Elders) in Meadowbrook Park.

 7) Environment
 Nuke train critique of Gazoo coverage - and more(?)
 Urbana Arborist on IP tree trimming legislation
 Who's receiving this? posted directed to web(?)

 8) Art- for its own sake,(what's Yikes doing over
 there in gummint?)
  Newspoetry and Collages
 John Wason spoke of a article about former, edited
 from wilgill's web writings. "It'll write itself"

 <<<After the meeting>>>
 Shelley retyped a second draft of Bubblehead and
 reposted after the meeting

 Brent asked Rose Marshack to write an article about
 the "pop" music as art and industry. He suggested that
 it would be a 3 part series. I have the same misgiving
 as expressed above about calling this a "Media" piece,
 though I very much want to read this series.
<<Lindsay wrote that she was meeting the author of the
 Alloy Casting article and that she could also
 "pull together an article on the Black Beauty Coal
 Mine or another local environmental subject".
 Could soneone ask that htis article/draft be posted to

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