[Imc] IMC Garage Sale, Sept 7&8

Paul Riismandel p-riism at uiuc.edu
Mon Aug 27 21:49:01 UTC 2001

As previously rumored, Ellen and I are planning to host an upcoming IMC 
Garage sale on Friday Sept. 7 and Sat. Sept. 8.  We are actively accepting 
donations of stuff to sell at the sale.  All proceeds will go directly to 
the IMC.

The Friday component of the sale will be an evening sale from 7:00 - 11:00 
PM.  Kind of like the Cafe Paradiso "midnight sale" we hope to attract 
folks who typically don't go to morning sales (if for no other reason, 
because they can't get out of bed early on weekends).  We will set up 
lights for the occasion, and hope to create a kind of party atmosphere, so 
that it will be a fun IMC event, not just a yard sale.

The Saturday part will be morning and afternoon, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM.

We will need help and donations if this sale is going to be a 
success--Ellen and I cannot do this ourselves.  Please read on to find out 
how you can help.

If you have stuff to donate to the sale, please contact me via e-mail 
(p-riism at uiuc.edu) or phone (278-2274).   It's easiest if you can drop 
things off, but we can help pick up stuff if you have no easy way to drop 
it off.  We will accept all donations at our house (104 N. Central Ave., U) 
where the sale will be.  PLEASE DON'T TAKE GARAGE SALE ITEMS TO THE 
IMC.  Also, please don't drop things off without first checking with us and 
arranging a time.

If you're planning to donate large items like furniture it will be best not 
to bring it over to our house until right before the sale, since we don't 
have a ton of storage space.

We will need help setting up, staffing and cleaning up after the sale.

We need:
Thursday evening (~6:00PM): we will need 3 or more people to help clean-up 
and price items for sale.
Friday 5:30 PM SET-UP: We will need 3 or more people to help set-up the 
sale and make sure everything is ready.
Friday 7:00 PM - 11:00 PM SET-UP: We need at least 2 volunteers on hand the 
entire time, in one hour blocks.
Friday 11:00 PM TEARDOWN: We  need at least 2 volunteers to help pack 
things up for easy set up Saturday morning.

Saturday 7:00 AM Set-UP: We need at least 2 people to help set things up 
for the start of the sale at 8:00 AM.
Saturday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM:  We need at least 2 volunteers on hand the 
entire time, in one hour blocks.
Saturday 4:00 PM CLEANUP: We need at least 2-3 volunteers to help clean-up.

Obviously, if just a few people want to stick around during most of the 
sale on each day of the sale, most of these jobs will be taken care 
of.  But we do need to know in advance if there will be help so that we can 
be prepared.  Please let us know ASAP if you can help out!

I will put a garage sale ad in the News-Gazoo, send out press releases, 
post to the website and make flyers.  We will need help distributing flyers 
and otherwise getting the word out.

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