[Imc] mother jones

Brian Hagy bhagy at urbana.indymedia.org
Mon Dec 3 01:22:41 UTC 2001

ok, so mother jones is back up, and working properly.  so far, it's been
going for over 6 hours and no freezing or crashing!  and i've sent it
through some major testing, too.

as far as i can tell, most of the major software previously used has been
reinstalled (at least the audio specific software).  let me know if
there's still software that should be installed, if it's not on there.

And please don't install software unless you know how and where to install
it.  Nothing should be going on the C:drive unless an administrator puts
it there (currently it's not set up to allow only administrator access to
the drive, so it's on the honor system right now).

ALL programs need to be installed on the D:drive (labeled Programs).
Installation wizards generally default to the C:drive.  You must change
this setting to D:drive, else risk having the software removed (and
reinstalled, if possible, on the D:drive...changing settings that you may
have established when the software was installed on the C:drive).

ALL audio, photo, video, docs, etc. files go on the E:drive (labeled
Newshour (audio)).

Also, the (new, thanks to Paul R!!!) cd-burner works great in the audio
account.  Easy CD Creator is installed and works beautifully, so enjoy!

let me know of any problems with MOJO as soon as possible (write them
down!!!!).  I'll tackle them as soon as i can.

thanks for your all's patience with getting Mother Jones up to speed.


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