[Imc] Question re: None's latest

Chas. M. Bee c-bee1 at ux1.cso.uiuc.edu
Wed Dec 5 21:28:38 UTC 2001

   I notice that None, our new afghani "news" source, has today placed
full names of two individuals, anong with their cities of residence, on
the newswire.

   Correct me if I'm wrong, of course, but isn't it possible that this
person has just broadcasted enough information for others to find those
hypothetical servicemens' families?

   Providing, of course, that those aren't, instead, names of actual
people living in the US who've given these people a hard time.

   I won't call for total censorship of this news source myself, but
perhaps individual war-related posts containing full names and cities,
or other personal info of folks living or deceased, might be worthy of exception.

   Just sayin' -- CMB

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