[[Imc] Re: Space for Greens, etc]

Maiko Covington mcovingt at ux1.cso.uiuc.edu
Fri Feb 2 22:03:25 UTC 2001

On 2 Feb 2001, Sarah Kanouse wrote:


> I'd love to see a non-political arm of the Greens (a discussion group, an
> educational event) occur at the IMC space, I don't know if the general public
> would make that distinction.  Since we are an "independent" media center, it
> is important that we are not seen as allied with ANY political party.  From a
> tactical standpoint, we will probably piss off some locally important and
> influential people if we're doing our job right, and I do not want the IRS to
> get called to investigate us in revenge.  It just seems like a disaster
> waiting to happen.
> Let's see what the law clinic has to say.

	Yes, let's. Though, it reads to ME as if we might be okay, as
long as the group PAYS to use the space, and we let any and all groups
(including the republicans, if they asked) rent the space on the same terms.

	Of course, some groups might not think to use the IMC space,
and then there might be accusations that we're only letting one side
use it when that's NOT the case, so we are probably better safe than sorry.
But, I'd be interested to see what they have to say about a policy that
is open, saying "anyone who pays, can hold a meeting here."


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