[Imc] FWD: Protect Access to RU-486!

jacobs jacobs at students.uiuc.edu
Fri Feb 9 04:23:54 UTC 2001

Hi all, thought you might be interested in the following.  Please let me know 
if it's not proper netiquette to post forwards to the list.  I don't want to 
clog up the airwaves but DO want to inform folks of important issues.

James Jacobs

>===== Original Message From tombaxter at talstar.com =====
I think every one should join the ACLU's actionlist, especially if hey
like geting mail from  congress.

TO: ACLU Action Network
FR: Jared Feuer, Internet Organizer
DT: February 7, 2001

Yesterday, Senator Tim Hutchinson (R-AR) and Representative David Vitter
(R-LA) introduced legislation that would severely curtail the use of
Mifepristone (RU-486), which promises to provide an earlier, less
and safer alternative to surgical abortion, especially for women who
far from an abortion provider.  The Hutchinson-Vitter legislation would
create several new and unwarranted restrictions on the use of
even though it has been proven to be a safe and effective drug.

The bill's sponsors argue that their intent is to protect the health of
women, yet the FDA only approved Mifepristone after conducting a
review of three complete phases of clinical trials over an eight-year
period.  Anti-choice legislators who are determined to chip away at a
woman's right to choose should not be allowed to now obstruct this safe
and private option for women.

Take Action! Keep this legislation from winding up on President Bush's
desk! You can read more and send a FREE FAX to your Senators and
Representative from our action alert at:



automatically go to the site. Others, like AOL, do not. If you use an
email program that
does not provide for clickable web addresses, copy the URL and paste it
into your web browser.

James R. Jacobs 
Graduate Reference Assistant 
Education/Social Science Library
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Home: 303B1 Paddock Drive  
Savoy, IL 61874           
jacobs at uiuc.edu
"Librarians, Dusty, possess a vast store of politeness.
These are people who get asked regularly the dumbest
questions on God's green earth. These people tolerate
every kind of crank and eccentric and mouth-breather
there is." 
--Garrison Keillor, "Lives of the Cowboys"
"A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single
man contemplates it, bearing within him the image of a 
--Antoine de Saint-Exupery, author and aviator (1900-1945)
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