[Imc] IMC Brochures and Fliers

Brian Hagy bhagy at onthejob.net
Tue Jan 16 23:19:07 UTC 2001

> Is it ok to say that our membership rate is $50/year? Or should I not
> even mention membership until we decide more about that?

I'd recommend holding off on putting out an exact amount.  This amount
seems to be what we're gonna do, but nothing has been brought to the COW

> Is it ok to have Sascha's phone number as the main contact number?
> (because he is listed as the contact all over the website for money
> purposes)
> Is it ok to have Danielle's phone number as the contact for getting
> more involved? (because she is listed on old publications as the
> contact for getting involved)

I'd recommend not putting phone numbers in print, only because in a few
weeks those numbers will change in favor of IMC's number, and we'd have to
change everything (though we might have to do that anyways, i suppose).
If you must put a phone number, use one phone number (i've been putting
Sarah and Sascha's on the letterhead) and don't put a name, just "contact
IMC at" (I put "IMC librarians:" on the letterhead for the time being).
MIght help to prevent prank phone calling, or threatening phone calls.

> Does anyone have an updated list of the Founding Funders? Should I
> list them in the brochure or not?

Don't really see the need to list all these names, but suppose if we want
to do it, we would need to make sure it's ok with all the founding
founders that their names are being printed (maybe some wanted to remain
fairly anonymous).

Thank you for doing all this!!!!!!


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