[Imc] Springfield Trip - Please Join Us!

Paul Riismandel p-riism at uiuc.edu
Tue Jan 23 18:48:52 UTC 2001

A reminder that we're having a field trip to Springfield to talk to the 
group trying to start an IMC there on Wednesday (tomorrow).

We're gathering at the IMC beginning around 3:30 and leaving by 4:15pm.

Right now it appears that only 3 of us are confirmed to be going:  Brian, 
Ellen and I.  I understand that many of you are busy and overcommitted, but 
it would be great if a couple more people could join to bring some 
different perspectives and stories (I've already talked to part of the 
group about community radio, so they could use to hear from more new folks).

Perhaps someone who isn't quite so busy has the time to spare.  It will be 
fun and they will buy us some beers (or other beverage) afterwards.

If you can commit to coming, please let me know so we can make sure there 
is enough car space.



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