[Imc] last reminder--rock for frozen food

Sarah Kanouse skanouse at usa.net
Wed Jan 24 05:28:17 UTC 2001


   - rock for frozen food! - 
   at the common ground food co-op freezer benefit
   thursday january 25
   @ the highdive (51 east main street in dt champaign)


   the blackouts (surfpunk - yey!),
   the violents (brand spankin new riotdance female 3piece with co-oper
   bandmembers!) - http://www.angelfire.com/indie/theviolents
   dj lameass (not a dj at all, but ex-members of champaign's hot glue      
gun, bassist + 2marks rocking out)
   lorenzo goetz (elvis costello-ish pop),
   and the uncatagorizible DAVE KING unplugged and in between sets.

   it's a benefit for the co-op to get em a badly needed new freezer.
   accordingly, all bands will play at least one cover of a      
freezer-related song (think FREEZE FRAME and COLD HEARTED SNAKE!) as a   
homage, nay, an offering to our beloved - but in this case failing -,   
favorite cold-making appliance. 9:30pm. all for only FIVE BUCKS.    bargain

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