[Imc] steering group minutes 7/1

Mark Enslin enslin at prairienet.org
Sun Jul 1 18:13:09 UTC 2001

IMc steering group 
minutes 7/1/01
Aaron (facilitator), Sehvilla, Mark (recording), Mike Brunell, Mike
Lehman, Brian, James

working group reports

Mike B: web design meeting for everybody--Wed July 18, 7pm ? 
Brian: we're putting up a new file server which may eventually be a web
server too. 

lib group
james requested a dedicated hard drive for a webt site for the library --
zach suggested that would be a good idea--tech question or whole group?
tech. Mike will bring it up at next meeting (not this  week but next).
James and Ellen working on website archive. Still on the agenda to have
staffers do shelving and processing. 

radio show: Pauline's show on nuclear power last week went well; this week
will be a report on the midwest alternative energy fair. Send headlines to
molly at onthejob.net News group will probably propose to weft that we
continue doing the imc show through sept 10.

Mike L: white board for news group-- size? --movable
shelves for lib group; Mike will come up with alternative plans for space
rearrangement with more shelves--there are twice as many books to be
shelved than are on shelves. Will be considering shelves that extend into
the space. Lib group will have to come with $ for material for shelves.
Considering putting a time on the fan in the production room so that it
can be left on when people leave--put that might entail having to turn the
fan back on when you're working. Fridge--it seems to be running too much
and thus running up electric bill--running low on freon? WE ARE STILL

Mike L has checkbook while Sascha's out of town. Mike L is leavning in two
weeks--there will be one week when both Sascha and Mike will be out of
town-- 7/13-7/21. BOD has reported that there will be funding problems in
about 4 months--if every founding funder renewed we'd be OK, but
anticipating losing some, so we'll have to find new funders. 

Aaron--next week is editorial deadline for what's going to be printed;
following week camera ready is due; considering two printers, 1 union
(expensive) and a family run one (cheaper) -- this will be address next
week, as well as name "IMpact" and "Public I" are the main contenders.

Brian was here (only member showed up) Ben from Fruited Plain showed up.)
We need to find new ways of increasing membership. One idea to have a
booth at the theater fair 8/4/01 that would teach people how to interview
and sign up members. Need someone to staff this. Talk to Sehvilla (she's
coordinating the theater festival. Quad day: ui imc group has a table.
Mike L is willing to help staff that. 

grad school of lib and info science will have a new student orientation;
James will do an IMC spiel.

anti-exxon day of action proposal from seattle--mobil stations? maybe this
is for the news group

if you're working on sergei and you get an error message saying hard drive
is not working, don't keep using it.

Brief discussion

facilitator next week: Aaron
adjourn: 12:40!

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