Paul Kotheimer herringb at prairienet.org
Sun Jul 8 22:00:51 UTC 2001

howdy neighbors:

An IMC audio training is set to begin on Tuesday, July 10, 2001.  

This first session will run for one hour beginning at 6:30 PM in the
production room at the Independent Media Center, 218 W. Main Street,
Suite 110, across Main/Springfield from the Busey Bank in downtown Urbana.

We'll cover as much as we can about portable minidisc recorders,
microphones, setting levels, and the stereo components which hook in to
SERGEI, our digital audio workstation. if we're moving along really fast,
we might even read in a piece of audio from minidisc and create a .wav
file in SoundForge.

If you've never studied these IMC audio basics, and you can make it during
our Tuesday timeslot, the colleagues and I would welcome two more
participants.  Priority preference may be given to scheduled IMC NewsHour
producers and to participants willing to pay the full suggested
donation.  RSVP by responding to this e-mail.

The suggested donation of $10 per student per class meeting, or $40 per
student for the full 4-week course, is payable in cash or by check made
out to PAUL KOTHEIMER.  A portion of the proceeds will go into the "buy a
second audio workstation" fund--a necessary and worthy cause.

This course can be offered repeatedly, so don't panic if you can't get on
board this time around.

Thanks and keep making independent media!

c/o the School for Designing a Society
409 North Race Street
Urbana, IL 61801
217 384 0299 phone (no fax)

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