[Imc] steering group note 7-22

Jay Morris jrmorris at hotmail.com
Sun Jul 22 20:04:42 UTC 2001

> Space is getting cluttered.  Would someone be willing to host
another yeard sale to actually get rid of IMC stuff?

I am very willing to help out with another yard sale at someone else's
house.  I have a big pile of donated stuff left from the last one, and
some of it is actually very nice stuff.

1) Garage sales in Urbana have to be Friday and/or Saturday.  I found
out last weekend that very few people go garage-saling on Sundays.
2) Advertising is very important.  A lot of the people who showed up
to the last one said they saw it in the news-gazette.

> Food Stealing Issue
> We're losing money on our food sales, and it appears to be because
people are stealing.  Several staff have witnessed people stealing
food from the IMC.  Need to remind staff that they need to remind
people to pay for food; need to put up signs to remind folks that the
food is not free.  If you see someone steal and don't feel comfortable
talking to them, tell Sascha.


1) Can the new fridge somehow end up in the front room?
2) Can we put a seperate sign actually ON the freezer lid that lists
prices? Or a sign that reminds people to pay for things?
3) We need to make sure the 'donations' box isn't left near the food.
I think this is leading people to think that the food is on a donation
4) Assuming the freezer in the new fridge works, we could put it in
the front room and move the freezer to the back just to store extra
stock in.

I think keeping the drinks so far from the register is making people
less likely to pay for them.  This 'food stealing' issue may be more
an issue of people not realizing that the food is not free.  Or it
could be that people don't want to miss part of their meeting/concert
so they figure they'll pay on their way out, and then they forget to.


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