[Imc] Stealing stuff from the IMC.

Sascha Meinrath meinrath at uiuc.edu
Mon Jul 23 16:33:26 UTC 2001

I am deeply saddened to have to write this e-mail, but I have recently run 
the numbers on how we're doing selling food items at the IMC and it does 
not look good.  Currently, we have lost roughly $300 -- this does not take 
into account our stocks (which are worth between $50 and $100), but we are 
definitely running a very large deficit on something that should be raising 
money for the IMC.

The Space Committee may be moving things around to help facilitate sales of 
items, but until this happens here's the simple rule:

"EVERYTHING in the back refrigerator, the front freezer, and in both retail 
displays MUST BE PAYED FOR IMMEDIATELY when you remove it."

We had allowed people to pay up front for multiple items, pay on their way 
out of the center for items, etc. -- as of now this is not working, so if 
you take an item, go directly to the register (do not pass go) and pay for 
it.  There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this rule -- if you get a soda for a 
performer, pay for it; if you take a minidisk or CD from the front display 
case to do a recording, pay for it; if the IMC owes you money, you pay for 
your food and you contact me.  I would like this to be excruciatingly clear.

If you are staffing and you see someone take food and not pay for it, 
assume they have made an honest mistake and ask them to pay.  Please mark 
the event down in the staff log book.

Finally, if you feel that you owe the IMC money for food and have not paid 
yet, you can drop it off in the blue donation box.

Thanks for everyone's attention to this issue,

--Sascha Meinrath

> > Food Stealing Issue
> > We're losing money on our food sales, and it appears to be because
>people are stealing.  Several staff have witnessed people stealing
>food from the IMC.  Need to remind staff that they need to remind
>people to pay for food; need to put up signs to remind folks that the
>food is not free.  If you see someone steal and don't feel comfortable
>talking to them, tell Sascha.
>1) Can the new fridge somehow end up in the front room?
>2) Can we put a seperate sign actually ON the freezer lid that lists
>prices? Or a sign that reminds people to pay for things?
>3) We need to make sure the 'donations' box isn't left near the food.
>I think this is leading people to think that the food is on a donation
>4) Assuming the freezer in the new fridge works, we could put it in
>the front room and move the freezer to the back just to store extra
>stock in.
>I think keeping the drinks so far from the register is making people
>less likely to pay for them.  This 'food stealing' issue may be more
>an issue of people not realizing that the food is not free.  Or it
>could be that people don't want to miss part of their meeting/concert
>so they figure they'll pay on their way out, and then they forget to.

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