[Imc] Production Room Upgrades

Paul Kotheimer herringb at prairienet.org
Thu Jul 26 08:02:07 UTC 2001

howdee, friends and neighbors!

first of all let me invite you to sample and utilize the NEW and IMPROVED
equipment check out system, located in the IMC Production Room, where all
the gear you need to be a citizen journalist is kept!  so far, several
IMC-stas have had a look at the newly reorganized production room cabinet
and have expressed approval.  i won't say anything about it in this
e-mail, so that its designers can be assured that it really truly is a
SELF-EXPLANATORY SYSTEM.  next time you need a microphone or minidisc
recorder, have a look, and you'll see what i mean.

second of all, let me invite all upcoming IMC radio producers to check out
the latest version of the IMC AUDIO TRAINING MANUAL.  

...actually, let me rephrase that...

let me STRONGLY ADVOCATE that all upcoming IMC radio producers check out
the latest version of the IMC AUDIO TRAINING MANUAL.  it is the best
legally available substitute for MY BRAIN that you can have handy when
producing audio, AND it saves YOU (and me) hours of headaches when you're 
trying to get a radio production ready for air by deadline. 

a paper copy of this new version does not yet exist BECAUSE upgrades are
still happening, but such a copy will be distributed widely, in paper
form, soon--very very soon!

in the mean time, you can (and, maybe even, should--if there really is
such a word) have the audio training manual open on the right-hand screen
whenever you use SERGEI to edit audio.  it's a WORD 2000 document located
on SERGEI at:

M:\Production Room\AUDIO TRAINING GUIDE.doc

i'm very proud of this document so far and will be even prouder when it
gets a final edit from the Business and Technical Writing students who've
been struggling with it for the past two weeks.

finally, let me DESPERATELY REQUEST the INPUT of radio broadcast producers
who use this guide as a reference as they produce.  your constructive
criticism will REALLY REALLY help the knowledge to grow, spread, and be
sustainable after i burn out completely and start hopping boxcars--which
will be sometime in mid-August.

just kidding about that last part,


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