[Imc] Retail/Fundraising Minutes 5/30/01

nancy dietrich nancydietrich at juno.com
Fri Jun 1 03:50:19 UTC 2001

Retail/Fundraising working group met Wednesday at IMC after Space group

A local band, "Absenth Blind" would like to sell their CD's here on
consignment.   Terms:  Donate 1 CD, the band keeps 80% of sales, IMC
keeps 20%.  Consensus "yes" on having them sell their CD's here.  Nancy
will contact.

Retail proposal:  Mike Lehman's brother & his wife make organic soap. 
Can they sell it here?  Question:  does this go with the IMC mission? 
Group decided to stick with selling items that are closer to the mission
& goals of the IMC (although anyone can try the soap in the IMC bathroom
& contact Mike if they're interested:-) ).  Suggested co-op as possible

Paul R. is contacting potential wholesalers for blank minidisks & Cd's
for IMC to buy.  He's contacted AK Press, a collectively-run wholesale
bookstore which provides a catalog which we can purchase books from.  The
idea is to have the catalog available at the IMC for people to order
books from;  perhaps purchase some for the IMC library.  Good return
policy;  will extend credit with a $100 purchase.

IMC has 2 tax exempt #'s:  one for things purchased to use at the IMC; 
another for things purchased to re-sell at the IMC.  If you purchase
something for the IMC for either purpose, you can use either of these
#'s.  The #'s are posted on the bulletin board.  DO NOT REMOVE these
papers from the bb (the official looking ones);  just copy the number
down if you're going to purchase something for the IMC.

Discussion took place on how to further promote the IMC.  Sarah K. 
reported that we have a booth at the Taste of Champaign; we can sell IMC
items there.  Discussed the possibility of doing a trade-out with WEFT
where we could underwrite one of their shows.  Other ideas:  Sarah is in
the process of creating hand-painted signs to post describing what is
available at the IMC.  Being open & visible during the Street Theatre
Festival & Sweet Corn Festival in downtown Urbana.  During Sweet Corn
Festival, we might be able to set up internet at the corner to give us
visibility & show what/where IMC is.  More promotion of IMC will be
available once print media is up & running.  Suggestion of sending email
to the IMC list telling them what is going on & available at the IMC.  

We now have 59 official IMC members;  considerably more on the IMC email

Had a request from a person named Shyla for a reduced membership fee of
$10 due to grad student status.  She has staffed before, won't be able to
this summer, but indicated she would in the fall.  Group OK'd this by
consensus.  A few members have not yet paid.  Paul K. has requested
waiver for membership fee;  due to his many hours of work, group ok'd

Sascha reported the following balances:  $500 in the key deposit fund,
and $2000 in the IMC endowment fund.  He  suggested looking into 3 & 6
month certificates of deposit.  Russ will research options.

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