[Imc] need producers and help for June 11 & 18 shows

Danielle Chynoweth chyn at onthejob.net
Fri Jun 8 05:54:08 UTC 2001

hi folks,

every monday imc news hour is has a producer except june 18 and 25.
please consider taking one of these days on and e-mail me ASAP.

don't worry, producers have support! paul kotheimer and i have put
together a template in the production room.  you can preproduce the entire
show, cut it to CD, and hand it to a trained WEFT airshifter.

here's how to produce a show:

1. reserve a day by telling me (June 11 or 18, Monday 6-7 PM)

2. pick a feature story - you can record something timely or use one of
the many recordings the IMC has made in the last 3 months - there are lots
of great talks on minidisc in the archives! (ask paulk or ellen).

3. e-mail the imc list and go to this sunday's news group meeting (1:15 PM
@ IMC) to find out what other stories are being worked on.  talk to them
about producing newsheadlines (1-5 minutes) or focus (3-10 minutes)
stories out of them.  make sure you get enough (3-5 headlines and 1-2
focus pieces). set deadlines.

4. find a WEFT trained airshifter either at the IMC or WEFT to airshift
the show (Mondays 6 - 7 PM). WEFT list: weft-a at prairienet.org.  There is
also a sheet of willing substitutes posted at the station.

5. take the news hour template script and edit it for your show.  you can
find it at:


or look on Sergei for last week's script.

6. gather everyone's work (you can do this most easily by coming to the
sunday news group meeting)

7. pick transition music

8. arrange with paul kotheimer 384-0299 to meet sunday afternoon to do the
final audio production.  bring friends to this production session, if you
want, to read different news headlines.

9. cut a CD and deliver to WEFT on SUNDAY (make sure the airshifter knows
where to find it!).  there is an IMC mailbox.  you can also leave it in the studio.

VOILA!  your first show!

anyone willing to step up to the plate?


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