[Imc] 6-18 NEWSHOUR on Death Penalty

Sandra Ahten spiritofsandra at hotmail.com
Fri Jun 15 21:50:20 UTC 2001

 I am plugging away at the IMC newshours for June 18,  This morning I did an
interview with Senator Paul Simon so that I could include and update on the
Illinois Moratorium.

I am really excited about this and so glad to finally be off the sidelines
of the IMC and finding a project that I can participate in that is giving my
lots of energy.

Mark Enslin is helping me. We started on some of the editing of the many
hours on minidisc recording that I have. I recorded some of the voice overs
today. He and I will be meeting at the IMC Saturday at 3pm to do the much
more work ahead of us.

We still need help.

1.  ONE FOCUS PIECE. approximately 5 minutes.

 2.  ONE HEADLINES EDITOR who is willing to work from source text material -
(from Paul Ks last email:
> provided at www.indymedia.org and on the 6/11/01 print.indymedia.org PDF,
 which would come online early monday morning, the 18th.  this means having
> some free time on Monday morning and/or afternoon to work the source
> materials into a finished script, hot off the presses--as it were--and
(hopefully )
run it to WEFT

4) a WEFT Airshifter to cordinate that night . Unfortunately,I will be
working during the broadcast :(       If you can also meet at the IMC on
Saturday at 3pm or after we could use you to read some of the voiceovers.

 5.  ONE HEADLINES READER who can arrive at WEFT no later than 5:50PM to
> read on-air with  our airshifter, at exactly 6:01PM.

6) Any suggestions or help that you would like to offer.

I think this is a very important topic - that is sorely under "represented"
as a cause in C-U.  Please help me in creating this very important dialouge.
In my other life I am a Weight Watcher leader facilitator (gasp, oh my!) - I
have an email list of over 600 people from my meetings.  I will be sending
to my list - an announcment of this production.  I believe that many of them
will be tuning in... so this is a great way for us to reach those who
normally wouldn't be tuned to WEFT.

Thanks in advance for you help and your good thoughts.
Sandra Ahten

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