[Imc] steering group minutes

Mark Enslin enslin at prairienet.org
Sun Jun 24 18:28:32 UTC 2001

imc steering group 6/24/01
attending: Ellen (facilitating), Danielle, Paul, Brian, Sarah, Sascha,
James, Aaron, Mike, Mark (recording)


SPACE--didn't meet; power bill $225--please turn off everything when you
leave. Space looks good and clean--thanks; remember to bring in sandwich
board before you lock up. Paul will be space coordinator while Sarah is
gone. lot of things going on--talk Tuesday ... James can we average bill
every month? Sarah: no--arrangement with landlord. Sascha:first of 175 of
325 we don't pay (basement tenant)

OUTREACH--didn't meet this week, last week: taste--a few people stopped to
ask questions; heard about IMC from WEFT; got bunch of people signing.
Me--thought taste was a good thing to do. 
print a  focus group

LIBRARY--James and Ellen went to ALA meeting, lots of contacts with
publishers, may send galleys for library, talked to Charles Willit--James
will be reviewer for Counter Voice, will be able to add to IMC collection
the books he reviews. Made sign for display shelves--what to do with new
donated periodicals. Lib group needs help with books. Mike can staffers be
working on that? yes. Have instructions for how to process a book; needs
to be corrected

FINANCE--Last week or 2, moved to Quickbooks entirely--makes a big
differnce. Downside is that next finance person will need more training,
QB is not intuitive. First anonymous donor (thanks to 501c3 status?) of
discs. Try to get people to donate part of their $300 tax refund from the
Resident. Anyone willing to make an email to ask people to do this:
Danielle. Grantwriting meeting on Monday was not well attended. Applied
for a grant. IMC has a platinum card--Sascha has it. Good for building a
credit history for eventually buying a building. Suggests 3 or 4 people in
various working groups whose work involves frequent buying to use credit
card. Noone should be paying sales tax for All the working group boxes
have a copy of the tax exempt letter.

TECH--file server going up Wednesday. Better facilitate stream of media.
Looking for a good location for patch bay sturdy and safe. Audio video
wiring is done--still some soldering of ends. The hard part is done.
Planning to update some software--Active Version 2 (runs the website) is
out but not quite ready yet.

NEWS--dry spell of people at meetings; Schedule of producers and topics
for radio hour mostly worked out through end of July. Pauline on Nuclear
Power this Monday; Molly on ALternative Energy Fair next Monday. Last
week's show by Sandra got a lot of compliments. Representatives of Print
group asked news group to contribute stories. News group request to space
group for board to track stories.


MAKING PRINT A FOCUS GROUP (Mike: budget has been made--but no iMC money
available ) Print is now a Focus Group by consensus. Aaron--new date for
first publication? Editorial deadline July5--copy to be laid out, then a
week to put it into camera ready form, then whatever time printing takes,
so before the end of July target for being out. First month asking people
to earmark donations for the first publication. There will be a fund

PERSONNAL POLICY proposed by Mike Approved by Consensus. Sarah suggests
that someone put up approved policies in one location in the space.

EQUIPMENT POLICY USE policy -- no proposal yet, Paul still intends to
propose one. 

MEMBERSHIP MEETING -- Ellen no action since last steering group meeting --
Propose Tuesday 3rd 6:30pm at IMC for group to plan Membership Meeting.


IMC Reg Student Organiztion UIUC -- Aaron is part of Civic Action an SRO
-- that group might want to be a UofI wing of IMC. Aaron has formal
proposal to IMC for relationship with Civic Action as UIUC IMC. CA has
been an org about 3 months--there was much interest in IMC affiliation.
Members of CA are also active in other campus activist organizations.
Goals of UIUC IMC and UC IMC are similar; structure might be different to
take care of likely high turnover of students. Paul points out that UC IMC
Standard Operating Procedure specifies that working groups operate by
consensus. Would UIUC IMC operate that way? RIght now it's a consensus of
spokes. Brian: How many eggshells would we have to walk when getting money
from UIUC? UIUC IMC would be getting money from SORF, not UC IMC. CA not
sure whether UIUC IMC would be a new student org, a new part of CA, or CA
would change its name to UIUC IMC. UIUC IMC has its own web domain. Sarah:
what is "soapbox"?--Aaron: an idea for having a forum on quad for various
organizations to get information out to students. "IMC Events"  "Paper
pub" would be weekly, and also jointly published somehow with UC IMC
paper. Danielle speaks up for growing together with campus org so that two
groups would have means of working out joint decisions. Aaron: goal would
be to have more students coming to meetings of UC IMC. Sarah--if UIUC IMC
becomes a working group it would be good to make representatives of UIUC
IMC to UC IMC feel that they were not just members but participants.
Sascha's suggests treating UIUC IMC as an unofficial working group (like
Print Group was) for the time being, and see how it goes. Paul keep this
as Old Business. Aaron wants to have something definite by Quad Day (Aug
21?). List of concerns--decision making; getting to know each other;
attendance at UC IMC meetings; willing to staff; adopt UC IMC standard
operating procedure?

table anti-exxon action proposal
digital library James: as part of the IMC library; collect photos for
digitizing; Mike proposes electronic watermark. The person who is willing
to do this work now (Terry) probably won't be done on a continuous basis.
Mike--training on how to do this. Sarah this would be a good thing to
write a grant for. 

Anti-Chief sticker proposal -- to fund production of stickers responding
to the "honor the chief" Sarah this seems like a media project of the
membership that IMC is to facilitate. If IMC is to support this, the
producers of the stickers ought to become IMC members. Ellen when first
heard about this I was uneasy thinking that it was an outside group taking
advantage of our NFP status, but the proposal was from a founding funder.
Sarah--how can we get people working on this to be members? Talk to
Walter. Ellen: IF it's members, Yay. No cash from the IMC is going to
this, just earmarked request for donations. The idea is to raise money to
make these stickers. Proceeds from stickers 

Announcements: Tuesday night 7pm at IMC Low 
Wednesday night: experimental music concert Australian group

Next meeting facilitator: Aaron

Agenda for next week
July 11 PressurePoint day of action against Exxon
Membership meeting

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