[Imc] Lurkers Help Out: Make an IMC poster!

Paul Riismandel p-riism at uiuc.edu
Thu Mar 8 05:25:39 UTC 2001

The IMC Outreach Group is looking for someone with the need to express 
her/himself artistically to make one or more posters/fliers for the IMC, so 
that we can better promote ourselves.

Especially we'd really love it if someone who hasn't yet gotten too 
involved at the IMC would step forward for this.  It's a nice, fun task 
that doesn't require too much time or effort--only what you want to put 
into it.  And we know there's lots of good artists lurking on this list!

If you're interested, just go ahead and design one or two and e-mail me or 
Sascha (meinrath at uiuc.edu), or bring 'em to our next Outreach meeting on 
Sunday, March 25 at 11:00 AM at the IMC.



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