[Imc] this email

Brian Hagy bhagy at onthejob.net
Thu Mar 8 04:06:58 UTC 2001

if you receive this email then you can know two things:

1)  Sergei is up and running again (with no problems as of yet)!


2)  The DSL line is working beautifully.

This you can know because, i'm typing this email (and momentarily sending
it) from Sergei.  Thus sergei not only running, but is connected to the
internet!  yeah!

please note though, any settings or programs installed after Feb 3 have
been erased (if they were on the C drive).  this is because i had to
restore some older settings.

for those interested, the crashing seemed to be a hardware
problem...primarily something with the video card.  if sergei continues to
crash, then i'll replace the card.  but i've restarted sergei now four
times, and it seems to have no problems.

congrats to the tech team for getting dsl up and going.  as the first to
use it here, let me say, it's pretty damned fast!

now with that being said,

g'nite yall

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