[Imc] Indymedia newsreel

Zachary C.Miller wolfgang at wolfgang.groogroo.com
Wed Mar 21 17:10:35 UTC 2001

> There is a new video project coming out of Seattle as a collaborative 
> effort across IMCs called Indymedia Newsreel.  It intends to be a monthly 
> video news report that will air on freespeech TV and be shown at screenings.
> I think we should consider hosting a screening and, longer term, consider 
> submitting video (of course, first it would be nice to have a camcorder).
> Check out info: http://satellite.indymedia.org/

<agitating not="organizing">

On a similar note, I think it would be cool if we could secure some
cable public access time or at least find out what it takes. There is
a two hour Indymedia documentary about the zapatistas that is
available on video now and there is this ongoing newsreel and there is
the video we produced and there is the Seattle video...IMC videos from
around the world are going to crop up more and more I thinmk we should
do the ground work now to be able to broadcast this stuff on public
access on a regular basis. (and along with public access broadcasts of
course we need to have some decent publicity channel, like say ads in
the octopus and PSAs on weft so people actually watch the things).

No I can't organize this. Just throwing ideas out into the world.


Zachary C. Miller - @= - http://wolfgang.groogroo.com/
IMSA 1995 - UIUC 2000 - Just Another Leftist Muppet
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