[Imc] Minutes for Librarians March 22, 2001

jacobs jacobs at students.uiuc.edu
Sun Mar 25 16:32:25 UTC 2001

Minutes for March 22, 2001 as 5:15PM at the IMC:

Attending: James Jacobs, Ellen Knutson, Sascha Meinrath (sort of!)

Today was an ideas-generating meeting.  We made a list of activities that we 
would like to accomplish in the coming months as well as a timeline for 
completing them.  Here it is:

--Letter to publishers regarding journal subscriptions (March 31)

--Organize physical space (May 15).  This includes: a)organizing the magazine 
collection; b) getting subscriptions; c) organizing the back work area 
(getting items processed and on the shelves); d) making decisions about local 

--Archive form and drop-box (April 15)

--IMC Library website (April 30). This is a class project for Ellen and James 
but anyone who is interested is welcome to aid and assist.

--Submit proposal to main group for collection development funding (May 15). 
This involves meeting with a couple of faculty regarding reference materials 
(Ellen w/ Jo Kibbee; James w/ John Dunkelberger) and creating a list of 
immediate collection needs as well as writing up the proposal.

--Write Public Service Announcements regarding collection donations (ASAP).

--Long-term: Pseudo-Inter-Library Loan idea.  IMC members creating lists of 
items that they own (books, video, audio) but would be willing to lend to 
other IMC members for a short time.  We hope to keep lists of members’ 
collections at the IMC library.  Members could browse the lists and the IMC 
Librarians would facilitate the lending of other members’ materials for a 
specified amount of time and subject to normal overdue fines and replacement 
responsibility of the borrower.

Meeting adjourned at 6:30.

Respectfully submitted by James Jacobs

James R. Jacobs 
Graduate Reference Assistant 
Education/Social Science Library
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign                        
Home: 303B1 Paddock Drive  
Savoy, IL 61874           
jacobs at uiuc.edu
"Librarians, Dusty, possess a vast store of politeness.
These are people who get asked regularly the dumbest
questions on God's green earth. These people tolerate
every kind of crank and eccentric and mouth-breather
there is." 
--Garrison Keillor, "Lives of the Cowboys"
"But to live outside the law you must be honest." R.Zimmerman

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