[Imc] Computer Training for IMC'ers

Molly Stentz molly at clam.clamcenter.org
Thu May 17 14:32:19 UTC 2001

Hi everyone,

I have been wrapped up in work commitments lately, and haven't been able
to make many meetings, but I wanted to put a plug in for computer training
that the Computer Learning and Mentoring Center (CLAM) offers that I think
could be of use to IMC folks.

The CLAM Center will be starting up its summer semester of classes
beginning on Monday. We are offering 3 courses, a UNIX/Linux intro, Perl,
and CGI.

If anyone has been interested in how the IMC website works or would like
to learn to update and modify it, I would strongly recommend taking a
class at CLAM. It's a great, low-cost, low-risk way to experiment and
learn in a friendly environment. And it's right down the street from the

The UNIX intro will be a basic crash course in using the Unix operating
system. It is a good place to start if you are only vaguely familiar with
Unix or even if you've never heard of it before this email and just want
to learn about how computers work!

Classes are for 12 weeks. We have a suggested donation of $10 per class
session to cover our costs, but if you're broke, talk to me and I'll
waive it.

If you're interested, check out www.clamcenter.org, or just ask me,
Danielle, Bob, Brian, Brandon, Maiko, or any of the other IMC folks that
teach at CLAM.



Molly Stentz, Coordinator
Computer Learning and Mentoring Center
115 W. Main Street, Second Floor  *  Urbana, IL
217.278.3933  *  www.clamcenter.org

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