[Imc] Chicago?

Sehvilla asta at advancenet.net
Mon May 21 02:17:43 UTC 2001

On Tuesday, May 22nd, there will be a meeting of the NABC (National
Agricultural Biotechnology Council - almost literally an Astro-Turf
citizens group*). There will also be protests outside the hotel where the
NABC is meeting. 
	If something else which might come up for me doesn't come up on
Tuesday, I would really like to go. Unfortunately, juvenile that I am, I
cannot go alone. I'd really like to cover this for the IMC. Is anybody
else available that day, to drive/bus up to Chicago for that afternoon?
	Please get in touch with me, anlyzstrlz at advancenet.net or

    your friendly under-18-year-old, 
*The NABC is almost literally an Astro-Turf organization because it
benefits Monsanto,the company that invented and makes it. 

Sehvilla - anlyzstrlz at advancenet.net

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