[Imc] SOA report back - IMC sponsorship?

Danielle Chynoweth chyn at onthejob.net
Wed Nov 7 05:43:35 UTC 2001


A handful of IMC reporters will be attending the protest of the School of
the Americas Nov 16-18 in Georgia.

In addition to reporting on the website, during the newshour, and in the
public i, I propose that the IMC cosponsor a report back at the IMC.

The event would take place either Friday Nov 30 or Dec 7 and be
co-sponsored by the IMC, UIUC Amnesty International, and the School for
Designing a Society (the attendees of the protest)

What co-sponsorhip means:

- IMC volunteers would help organize it
- IMC would be on listed in publicity

In terms of money, we will be asking for $ at the door to cover the costs
of both the trip and the space, so the IMC should make some $ off it.

I will help make this happen if:

- No one has concerns with IMC sponsorship
- *4* people sign up to coordinate these tasks:

0. gather speakers 	- danielle
1. publicity		- ?
2. set-up		- ?
3. clean-up		- ?
4. sound system/tech help -?

If you can help, please fill in your name and reply to me.


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