[Imc] SOA protest trip

Danielle Chynoweth chyn at onthejob.net
Wed Nov 7 06:13:30 UTC 2001


Those wanting to attend the SOA protests At Ft. Benning, Georgia:

1. Meet at my house 1106 S. Garfield (NE corner Carle Park) this Thursday
   6 PM.

2. Bring cash or a check for $50 made out to Meredith Kruse which will
   cover gas and hotel.  We need this Thursday to cover hotel costs.
   If you can't afford $50 come anyway b/c I can cover people's costs
   until the fundraiser (after Thanksgiving).

3. Please come with a clear decision that you will go.  This will make it
   oh so much easier on all of your travel friends.


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