[Imc] anyone can help me make an art installation!

sarah elzbieta kanouse kanouse at students.uiuc.edu
Sat Nov 17 01:59:10 UTC 2001

I am in the process of collecting material for an installation in which to
present my art work from this semester, and you can help me.

I am building a one-room 'apartment' and need furniture lent from friends
and community members top furnish the 'apartment.'  Furniture will be
needed from early to mid December, dates negotiable but must include
December 6-10.  I am looking for the following:

red sofa
armchair (off-white or dark blue)
apartment-size refridgerator that can be painted red
4 oak dining-style or schoolhouse chairs
dark blue rug
dark blue throw pillows
innocuous books (cookbooks, coffee table books, mysteries, etc)
oak coffee table
hanging lamp
tv stand

If you can lend me any of the above furniture, I'd be very very
appreciative.  Thank you.


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