[Imc] Florida Ballot Project

Gotsch Tim bowednotbeaten at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 15 02:37:28 UTC 2001

In today's News-Gazette there was a story (pp. 1ff of
the Commentary section), regarding the major media
services' decision not to analyze the data that they
had the National Opinion Research Center (NORC) at the
University of Chicago gather.  I read a story in the
New York Times in May, which appeared to be a
precursor to the final study.  The people who
assembled the article had obviously done a meticulous
and thorough job.  This is a story that needs to be
told, if only to give W a hard time.  I thought it'd
be neat if the Urbana IMC was able to break this.  The
data is probably the property of the media orgs. and
the NORC.  I have press contact info for the NORC. 
Before I contact them and if anyone is interested in
this, does anyone have a chit to call in at either the
NORC or any of the media orgs. (New York Times,
Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, AP, Newsweek, or
CNN)?  Thanks for hearing me out.  Peace.

Tim Gotsch

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