[Imc] plans for D.C. demos

Sehvilla asta at advancenet.net
Thu Sep 13 04:01:07 UTC 2001

Hi all, 

I'm wondering if the people who are mobilizing to go to Washington would
like to meet tomorrow to talk about how our plans might change after the
WTC attack. 
I've heard people say different things about whether we should go and what
we should do differently if we do decide to. It could be helpful to 
discuss each other's feelings and ideas and get some idea of how we're
going to proceed with planning, fundraising, etc. 
As of 6:45 p.m. the IMF and World Bank had said they were considering
cancelling the meetings but hadn't decided yet. 

Could we meet at the IMC sometime between 5 and 8 p.m.?


p.s. included is a story about the IMF/Bank and their plans. 

IMF, World Bank May Cancel Meetings

WASHINGTON (AP) - Officials at the International Monetary Fund (news - web
sites) and the World Bank (news - web sites) said Wednesday they are
considering cancellation of their annual meetings this month because of
the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington. 

Officials at the international lending institutions said no final decision
had been made. The two were being urged to cancel the meetings or delay
them because of heightened security worries after terrorists hijacked
planes Tuesday and crashed them into the World Trade Center and the
Pentagon (news - web sites). 

District of Columbia Police Chief Charles Ramsey said Tuesday that he
would recommend canceling the meetings, and a spokesman for Mayor Anthony
Williams said the mayor was exploring the possibility of a delay. 

The Sept. 29-30 meetings already had been cut to just two days instead of
a week because of mounting costs for providing security in the face of
expected widespread demonstrations. The event was expected to draw tens of
thousands of protesters, which would require intense security in the
nation's capital. Local police had been hoping for help from other police
forces, including the New York City Police Department. 

The Mobilization for Global Justice, the main umbrella group for the
protests, canceled its planning meetings for this week because of the
attacks, said demonstration organizer Matt Smucker. He said they haven't
decided whether the protests will go forward. 

World Bank and IMF officials said the views of local officials were being
taken into account in the discussions. 

IMF spokesman William Murray said Wednesday that no decision had been
made, but talks were under way. 

``The status of the annual meetings will be discussed in coming days in
the wake of these horrific events,'' Murray said. 

Deputy Treasury Secretary Kenneth Dam told reporters at a Treasury
briefing on Wednesday that it was premature to talk about cancellation. 

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