[Imc] space group meeting notes for4/3/02

Brian Hagy bhagy at urbana.indymedia.org
Thu Apr 4 01:34:32 UTC 2002

space group meeting notes for 4/3/02

attending:  clint, sascha, brian

notes: brian

it was proposed that the shows group take over the space rentals (for both
the middle room and the performance room), and that they figure out the
rental rates for both spaces.  proposal passed by consensus, and shows
group is stuck with it! buwahahahaha....oh wait, i mean it was sent to
shows group for approval.

spring cleaning: people will gather to clean sascha's bedroom on april
7th, oh, wait, no wrong invitation.  the middle room (the old backroom),
will be cleaned on this sunday (april 7) after the steering group meeting
ends at 1.  all things not claimed (or hopefully removed) by the owners
will left to the mercy of those cleaning, and may be disposed of
appropriately, meaning will be thrown away.

meeting done


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