[Imc] Thursday CABARET!

Darrin Drda d_drda at hotmail.com
Wed Apr 24 19:23:57 UTC 2002


This is a cordial INVITATION...an impassioned ADMONITION...a desperate PLEA 
for members of the community to attend the THURSDAY NIGHT OPEN CABARET.

Formerly known as the FRIDAY NIGHT OPEN CABARET, this event remains one of 
few GOLDEN OPPORTUNITIES for residents of Champaign-Urbana to gather 
together in mutual ENJOYMENT and APPRECIATION of song, poetry, performance, 
and other forms of CREATIVE EXPRESSION.

The flagging attendance of recent weeks has highlighted the need for greater 
OUTREACH geared toward increasing community AWARENESS OF THE IMC as a whole, 
which could eventually lead to a peaceful GLOBAL REVOLUTION.

So please do consider strengthening your commitment to international PEACE 
and JUSTICE by sipping French-pressed FREE-TRADE COFFEE while listening to 
some GUY IN A DRESS read amusing BEDTIME STORIES (among other forms of ART).

The CABARET runs from 8-10pm every THURSDAY.

-Darrin Drda

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