[Imc] RadFest 2002 (fwd)

Danielle Chynoweth chyn at onthejob.net
Mon Apr 29 17:31:46 UTC 2002

Here is the schedule and registration form for Radfest which I announced
on e-mail some time ago.  The topics are diverse and interesting.  Lots of
Indymedia related topics.  Our Indymedia friends from Madison will be

I'm trying to gather a CU contingent to go.  Let me know if you want to
car pool.



Aurora University
George Williams - Lake Geneva Campus
Williams Bay, WI
May 31-June 2, 2002

Dear friend:

I would like to invite you to RadFest 2002, an annual weekend conference
for progressive activists and academics organized by the A. E. Havens
Center for the Study of Social Structure and Social Change at the
University of Wisconsin-Madison. The central goal of the conference is to
provide an opportunity for progressive activists, organizers, and
intellectuals to come together to discuss issues of mutual interest and
concern, strengthen networks, and devise strategies for progressive social,
economic, and political change. RadFest has grown significantly in recent
years, becoming an important annual gathering for progressives. Last year,
for example, over 200 people from throughout the upper Midwest and beyond
attended. This year, we anticipate an even larger turnout.

The conference will take place on the weekend of May 31-June 2, 2002 at the
George Williams - Lake Geneva Campus of Aurora University -- 240 acres of
rolling, wooded hillside located on the shores of Lake Geneva in Williams
Bay, WI, approximately 50 miles southwest of Milwaukee, 70 miles southeast
of Madison, and 80 miles northwest of Chicago.

The opening event of the program will be a plenary panel on Friday evening,
titled “U.S. Foreign Policy, the Middle East, and Central Asia.” The panel
will be composed of Medea Benjamin (Global Exchange); Zoltan Grossman
(South-West Asia Information Group), Jennifer Lowenstein (Jews for Equal
Justice), and Rania Masri (Iraq Action Coalition).

On Saturday evening, there will be a second plenary panel, titled “The
State of Progressive Politics: Where Are We? Where Are We Going?” The
panelists will be Tammy Baldwin (US House of Representatives), Medea
Benjamin (2000 Green Party Senate Candidate, California), George Martin
(Greater Milwaukee Green Party), David Newby (AFL-CIO), and John Nichols
(The Nation magazine).

The remainder of the program will be primarily devoted to more than two
dozen workshops and panels addressing a wide array of social, political,
and economic topics on Saturday and Sunday, including: “The Burgeoning U.S.
Media Reform Movement” (with Liz DiNovella, Bob McChesney, Fred McKissack,
and John Nichols); “Creating Independent Media” (with Jessica Clark,
Kristian Knutsen, Brian Rothgery, John Anderson, and Danielle Chynoweth);
“Ablism and the Left” (with Darrell Price and Sarah Triano); “Organizing
Workers Under Corporate Globalization” (with John Peck, Leila Pine, and
Bonnie Strauss); “We Are All Theatre: A Workshop in Applied Theatre
Techniques” (with Jenny Wanasek and Mark Weinberg); “Advertising and
Commercialization” (with Inger Stole, Dan Cook, and Carrie McLaren); “Why
are Wisconsin Schools Failing African American Children?” (with Stan
Woodard, Kimm Hurley-Smith, Valencia Douglas, and Jerry Smith);
“Fundraising for Social Change” (with Karen Kubby); “Encouraging and
Empowering Women as Leaders” (with Amy Heart and Amy Mondloch);
“Alternatives to Corporate Globalization” (with Steve Watrous and Merritt
Bussiere); “Race, Class, and the Left” (with Rose Brewer and Ben Márquez);
“Abolish Corporate Personhood!” (with Jan Edwards and Molly Morgan);
“Confronting Globalization” (with Mike Prokosch); “Deepening Local
Democracy” (with Ben Manski); “The Enemy of Nature” (with Joel Kovel);
“LGBT Issues, Civil Rights, and Progressive Coalition Building” (with
Jessica Brown, Shamus Khan, Mark Pocan, and Debbie Weill); and others on
such topics as Middle East activism, reparations, reproductive rights,
dismantling racism, fair trade, nuclear issues in war and peace, and the
Zapatista movement.

Finally, because the building of a progressive community also requires time
for relaxation and strengthening social ties, we have devoted a portion of
the program to recreation. On Saturday afternoon, there will be a break in
the schedule for recreational activities, including swimming, canoeing,
rowing, hiking, tennis, volleyball, and many others.

The key to the success of RadFest 2002 will be the enthusiastic
participation of progressive individuals and organizations dedicated to the
construction of a more just world. If you would like to be a part of this
gathering, please visit the Havens Center website
(www.ssc.wisc.edu/havenscenter) to obtain a registration form, a full
conference program, and logistical information. The cost for the conference
(including lodging and meals) is very modest and determined by ability to
pay. Please note that the early registration deadline (post-marked) is
April 30 for overnight participants and May 17 for commuters. We also
encourage you to spread the word and let us know of other people or
organizations you think would be interested in participating. If you have
any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at havensce at ssc.wisc.edu or
call 608-262-0854.

We hope you will contribute to making RadFest 2002 an exciting event and
help us in our efforts to build a progressive community.


Patrick Barrett
Administrative Director
A. E. Havens Center
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