[Imc] Steering Committee Notes

Clint Popetz cpopetz at cpopetz.com
Sun Apr 28 18:02:34 UTC 2002

Steering Committee Meeting

Attending: Russ (facilitating), Avram, Mark E., Brian, Sascha, Mike W., 
James, Jenny, Clint (notetaking), Steven (visiting from Durham), Cope

Group Reports: 

Tech:  Met, discussed features.cgi, which should be up soon.  This
allows multiple people to author the center "feature" column on the web
page.  We also discussed equipment replacement.  We hope to craft a
policy, working with the news group, to have the IMC replace equipment
that is broken while doing reporting for the IMC.  We are also going to
have a jar where people can gradually accumulate money to cover eventual
equipment repair and replacement.

Shows:  BYOB was discussed, and it was decided to not explicitly flyer
that policy.  According to the Mayor's office, BYOB is legal, if we
don't card.  Greg, who has booked punk shows for over a year, is going
to become part of the shows group, and instead of renting the space,
will book the shows and do a door split.  This brings Greg's expertise
into the shows group, which is a Good Thing (tm).  A brief discussion of
BYOB and insurance occurred here.

Librarians:  Working on archive; if anyone wants to help with data
entry, please contact the librarians.  The subject headings are going to
be expanded, to handle things that fall through cracks in the existing
headings.  By the end of the summer, with Ellen working on her thesis
and James graduating, we are going to need new librarians.  Grey-haired
buns not required.

Print:  There will be another meeting this Thursday to discuss the
ongoing issue of revamping the public-i's image and making the process
more inclusive of people who want to be involved.  Anyone interested in
working with the public-i should attend.  

Finance:  We are definitely running a deficit right now.  (Our income is
not keeping pace with our expenses.)  If you are in a working group,
keep that in mind.  We built up an endowment over the past year, so we
aren't going to shut down, but we will eventually eat into that
endowment.  Tomorrow (Monday) at 7pm there will be a meeting of people
interested in dividing up that tasks of finance.  This will include
fundraising discussions, calling up founding funders and sustaining
funders, etc.  If you are willing to donate an hour a week on an ongoing
basis, that will really help.  Finance has been a one-person show for
the last year, and that needs to change.

Radio: Monday audio training from 6-8 is still happening, and it is
starting to pick up interest.  A report was made from Danielle at the
protest in Washington, which turned out well.  A lot is being crammed
into the half-hour, so things are good.  FSRN is playing a number of our
segments (Danielle, Mike.)  We need more reporters.

Space: Backwash is not recyclable.  Nor are caps on containers.  Please
properly prepare your recyclables.  We are short on keys!  If you have
a key and aren't using it, please return it.  We'd rather not make more,
and there is a definite need for keys.

Old Business: None.

New Business: 

Attendance -- There was nobody here last week, so if you are not going
to make it to the steering meeting, please drop an email or a phone call
so people don't wait around for a meeting that doesn't happen.

Space question -- If there is someone who is not a rock band, who wants
to do a performance, but doesn't have a following, how can they book a
show at the IMC?  A discussion of this occurred, and the result is that
people should either contact Clint and pay the rental fee, or come to a
shows group meeting to work with that group to book a show. 

Announcements -- The landlord has suffered what may be a stroke.  The
IMC is going to send an arrangement of flowers.  If someone wants to
offer to cook dinner for them, or offer any other help, that would be
really nice.  

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