[Imc] this monday

Brian Hagy bhagy at urbana.indymedia.org
Sat Aug 3 19:56:52 UTC 2002

hey, is anybody available to open the imc this monday (august 5th) at 4
PM?  there's a theater performance here starting on friday (dress on
wednesday).  they usually rehearse mondays 6-8, but due to various
complicated schedules, can't this monday, and thus need to rehearse 4-6,
if someone could open the imc for them.  as with all theater shows, the
reheasal time is really needed, and would be greatly appreciated if they
could rehearse here with light cues and all.

so, could someone help out?  i can't get here until 5:15 at the earliest,
otherwise i would.

thanks in advance,


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