[Imc] imc tech notes 8-7-02

Paul Riismandel p-riism at ntx1.cso.uiuc.edu
Wed Aug 7 23:37:34 UTC 2002

IMC Tech 8-7-02
present: Paul R., Mike L., Dan L., Sascha M.

Right now Spammer is in remission, but Mike thinks spammer might be hitting
global.  A script that Dan L wrote has made it easier for Tech volunteers to
figure out which good posts to unhide. Dan's scripting skills are

Mike says that the Spammer is still making at least one post a day, so it's
not quite time to quit logging IPs and auto-hiding.  We'll revisit this in
one week -- consensus that the best way to take this is week-to-week. 

Dan will add an auto-unhide for known good IPs in the local area.

Paul and Ellen are working on a compaq PC in the mid room that the library
group will use for processing and entering materials.

Sandra sent a request to Zach to have all the various editor e-mail
addresses be forwarded to the IMC-Print list. Dan took care of this.

Sascha asks if we can set up a mediation list. Dan will set up
IMC-Mediation, open only to members, Paul as list admin.

Sascha says that the IMC is on the verge of becoming a fiscal sponsor of the
wireless project.  It still has to be consented upon by wireless and the
finance group.

meeting adjourn 6:40 PM

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